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Rebuild of Remix Jokes using Next.js 15 with Server Actions, Tailwind CSS, and Prisma. Additional /demo route for React Server Component and Next.js App Router functionality examples. NB! Database might be sleeping, give it a minute after the initial application error.

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Next.js 15 "Remix Jokes" Rebuild

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

It is a rebuild of Remix Jokes using Next.js 15 with Server Functions, Tailwind CSS, and Prisma. The /jokes page contains simple implementations since it's supposed to be a beginners-friendly sample.

It has additional /(demo) routes for more advanced React Server Component and Next.js 15 functionality examples.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies:

npm install

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Prisma Setup

Add a .env file to the root of the project, refer to .env.sample for the required environment variables. You need decide between prisma local development with sqlite or a real database with for example sqlserver. Define it in the schema.prisma file.

After switching, delete the prisma/migrations folder before running the migration command.

When using sqlserver, you need to migrate the database schema with:

npm run prisma.migrate

When using sqlite, initialize with:

npm run prisma.push

Seed prisma/seed.ts for initial data:

npm run prisma.seed

Application Structure

I have added a diagram of the application structure in jokes.excalidraw, made by aisiklar! Awesome job! View it using the Excalidraw extension.

Development Info

Development Tools

The project uses ESLint for linting and Prettier for code formatting. The configuration for these tools is located in .eslintrc.js and .prettierrc.js. The project is configured to run code formatting and linting on save in Visual Studio Code. Verify that code formatting and linting is executed on save as configured. Opening the .code-workspace file will ensure the correct extentions are set.

Naming Conventions

  • Pascal case for components
  • Kebab case for folders
  • Camel case for other files

Folder Structure

  • public - contains the static assets of the application
  • src - contains the source code of the application
  • src/app - contains the pages of the application using file based routing.
  • src/components - contains shared components used across the application. The same goes for the other shared folder like providers, hooks, utils, etc.
  • For each route, a local _components-folder can be used to store components that are only used in that route. Same goes for _hooks, _utils, etc.
  • src/data - contains server-side data fetching and mutations.

Every page folder should contain everything it needs to work. And every component or function should live at the nearest shared space in the hierarchy.


The project uses Next.js filesystem-based routing. To give a brief overview:

  • Folders below the app/-directory will be routes in the application.
  • For each folders inside src/app that is meant to be a route, there should be a page.tsx and alternatively layout.tsx for the route.
  • When using brackets [] in the name of a folder, the folder will be a dynamic route. The name of the folder will be the name of the parameter in the route.
  • There are additional tools, such as ignoring folders from routing by prefixing with _, and creating groups by wrapping with ().
  • Each route can also have a error.tsx file for handling application errors, and a not-found.tsx page for handling 404 errors with notFound().

Please refer to the Next.js App Router documentation for more information.

Note on React 19

The Next.js App Router uses React 19 Server Components, and by default all components are server components unless opted into client-side rendering with "use client". In addition, the project uses other React 19 features such as Server Functions, useFormStatus(), useOptimistic(), useActionState(), and async transitions with useTransition(). Please read the React docs on these features to understand how to use them. Read more about the use of Server Functions under Data Fetching and Mutation.


The project uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to rapidly build custom designs without leaving your HTML. The theme is configured in tailwind.config.js. Default styles are applied in /app/globals.css.

Use the cn util when merging conditional classes with other classes. Excess styling is applied in the components using Tailwind CSS utility classes. Tailwind also controls the responsive design of the application with a mobile-first approach. Refer to the Tailwind CSS documentation for more information.

Data Fetching and Mutation

Data fetching is done through prisma. Mutations are done using Next.js Server Functions, skipping the Next.js 12 /api convention. Files are stores inside the /data folder, where /data/services are server-side data fetches and /data/actions are mutations. Take extra consideration when creating hidden endpoints with "use server" to avoid exposing sensitive data.

For more information, refer to the Server Actions and Mutations documentation.

When using a form with an action, the loading state is included in the SubmitButton-component, and the form is disabled while the action is pending. For other cases, a loading state can be passed to to submit button or other components to handle the loading state.


The app can be built for production using the npm run build command. The built files will be generated in the .next folder.

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


Rebuild of Remix Jokes using Next.js 15 with Server Actions, Tailwind CSS, and Prisma. Additional /demo route for React Server Component and Next.js App Router functionality examples. NB! Database might be sleeping, give it a minute after the initial application error.







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