An implementation of the Wizard of Oz experiment for speech systems (WoS).
Configure the Raspberry Pi:
$ sudo raspi-config
- go to Network Options -> Wi-fi and enter the wifi settings
- go to Interfacing Options -> SSH -> Yes
- select finish
Install the server software:
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg mpg321 git python-pip
$ cd /home/pi
$ git clone
$ cd wos/srv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the server automatically when the Raspberry Pi boots, add this line above "exit 0" in /etc/rc.local:
su - pi -c "bash /home/pi/wos/bin/" &
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg nodejs npm
$ git clone
$ cd wos/web
$ npm install
$ brew install nodejs npm
$ brew install --with-ffplay ffmpeg
$ git clone
$ cd wos/web
$ npm install
If the above instructions were followed, the server will be started next time the Raspberry Pi boots, alternatively you can start the server manually:
$ cd wos/srv
$ python
Start the client UI on another machine by providing the server IP, for example:
$ cd wos/web
$ HOST= npm start