- Inspired by ccradio.ellak.gr, as the codebase of the original app was old and difficult to update, and because I love Rails, I decided to start this app as a replacement.
- Version 0.2.0
- project status: under active development
- demo site: http://ccradio.tzorvas.com/
Apply some styling I know it's ugly, but this isn't my main concern for the time being - Authentication via WP Oauth Server
- Make this way the only available/accesible
- Register
- Add Suggest Stream Form
- Add Feedback Form
- Audio player @home screen
(currently only in each station page) - Add integration tests
- Public API
- Crawler / Automated process to search for new streams with CC-friendly content
replace ajax calls for 'now playing' sync process with websockets - suggest another
- suggest ideas or report any problems
- Fork, develop and create a Pull Request if you want
- Suggest a new station creating an issue - or later via the site.
- Rails ofc.
- Redis
- Nokogiri for parsing stream data (current song)
- Sidekiq & Sidekiq-scheduler for delayed jobs and background tasks (with Redis server)
- jquery-visibility-rails (Page Visibility API wrapper; when document isn't focused, there is no need to auto-update "now playing" content)
- slim-rails for html templates
- Devise for authentication stuff
Licensed under MIT license.