Calculate total scores and show grades for each students with a function of removing minimum score of quizzes.
It is python codes and use "python" to run!
Name ID quiz1 quiz2 quiz3 quiz4 exam1 exam2 journal_club attendance assignment
Points total 10 10 10 10 100 100 20 20 20
NAME1 id1 5 6 7 8 99 80 20 20 10
NAME2 id2 5 7 7 9 96 78 12 17 5
Quizzes should locate first part of scores. ask you total maximum scores, start position of quiz row and score column, input and output file names.
At the end, ask you whether you need to remove minimum scores of quizzes or not.
If your answer is yes, ask you to type first and last collumn of quizzes.
Questions are followings (with example answers) ...
What is maximum scores?: 500
Which row does grading start: 3
Which column does scores start: 3
Input file name is (add quotation marks): 'grades.txt'
Output file name is (add quotation marks): 'finalgrades.txt'
Do you need to remove minimum scores of quizzes? (add quotation marks) : 'yes'
Enter first quiz column: 3
Enter last quiz column: 8
NAME1 id1 250 B #from 2nd_line(students total scores and grade)
NAME2 id2 231 C #from 2nd_line(students total scores and grade)
Setting of grades are A>=92%, 92%>A->88%, 88%>B+>=84%, 84%>B>=80%, 80%>B->=76%, 76%>C+>=72%, 72%>C>=68%, 68%>C->=64%, 64%>D+>=60, 60%>D>=56%, 56%>D->=52%, and F<52%.