Apate deals with emulating Kubernetes pods, making it possible to run thousands of pods on a single laptop to emulate how Kubernetes will respond to that.
The full Apate documentation can be found here
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
├── api/ # gRPC definitions for services both on the Apatelet and the controlplane
├── ci/ # CI configuration files
├── cmd/ # The code for the CLI
├── config/ # Configuration files used by the control plane
├── docs/ # Documentation
├── examples/ # Some example CRDs
├── internal/ # Internal utilities
├── pkg/ # Utilities that could be useful to anyone
├── services/ # Contains the Apatelet and controlplane main files
├── Makefile # A makefile containing some commands which aid in building / testing the project
├── go.* # The go module and sum files, containing versions of dependencies
└── LICENSE # The license of this project
Apate is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license