- Various programs like fibonacci, factorial, matrix operation, string manipulation, etc. are implemented in assembly language using TASM.
The name of each file in the repo defines the program.
The user can open the file and read the first commented line to determine what the program does. - To run the programs, install DOSBOX and TASM on your pc. You can find easily on google how to install them.
- After installing DOSBOX and TASM, in the DOS prompt, type 'tasm filename' to convert the source program into an object file.
- Then type 'tlink filename'. This command uses linker TLINK to link files together into an executable file 'filename.exe'.
- Execute the file by typing the 'filename'. The program get executed and the output is displayed on DOS prompt.
- You can edit the file in any editor but save the file using the extension .asm.