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The gen-tree repository holds a generic model for simple and binary tree objects

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The source code comes under the liberal MIT License, making gen-tree great for all types of applications.

Import dependencies to your project

gradle (click to expand)

gradle dependency

Replace the variable ${latestVersion} with the current latest version: Maven Central

You can first define the version in the ext section and add than the following gradle dependency to your project build.gradle if you want to import the core functionality of gen-tree:

define version in file


or in build.gradle ext area

    genTreeVersion = "${latestVersion}"

then add the dependency to the dependencies area


with new libs.versions.toml file

If you use the new libs.versions.toml file for new automatic catalog versions update

gen-tree-version= "${latestVersion}"

gen-tree = { module = "io.github.astrapi69:gen-tree", version.ref = "gen-tree-version" }

then add the dependency to the dependencies area

    implementation libs.gen.tree
Maven (click to expand)

Maven dependency

Maven dependency is now on sonatype. Check out sonatype repository for latest snapshots and releases.

Add the following maven dependency to your project pom.xml if you want to import the core functionality of gen-tree:

Then you can add the dependency to your dependencies:

        <!-- gen-tree version -->
            <!-- gen-tree DEPENDENCY -->
Snapshots (click to expand)

📸 Snapshots


This section describes how to import snapshot versions into your project. Add the following code snippet to your gradle file in the repositories section:

repositories {
    maven {
    name "Sonatype Nexus Snapshots"
    url ""
    mavenContent {

Semantic Versioning

The versions of gen-tree are maintained with the Semantic Versioning guidelines.

Release version numbers will be incremented in the following format:


For detailed information on versioning you can visit the wiki page.

Want to Help and improve it?

The source code for gen-tree are on GitHub. Please feel free to fork and send pull requests!

Create your own fork of astrapi69/gen-tree/fork

To share your changes, submit a pull request.

Don't forget to add new units tests on your changes.

Contacting the Developers

Do not hesitate to contact the gen-tree developers with your questions, concerns, comments, bug reports, or feature requests.

  • Feature requests, questions and bug reports can be reported at the issues page.


No animals were harmed in the making of this library.


This project is kept as an open source product and relies on contributions to remain being developed. If you like this library, please consider a donation

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