This project was done by Asseth at the Finaxys hackathon of December 2016. It is a Telegram-bot interface providing information on your ethereum miner, on your poloniex trades, and deploying a simple contract.
$ geth --testnet --rpc --rpcapi 'web3,eth,debug, personal, miner' --rpccorsdomain="*"
$ geth --testnet attach http://localhost:8545
$ geth --preload autoSetup.js --testnet attach http://localhost:8545
$ geth --dev --rpc --rpcapi 'web3,eth,debug' --rpccorsdomain="*" --datadir /tmp/ethereum_dev_mode
$ geth --dev --preload autoSetup.js attach ipc:/tmp/ethereum_dev_mode/geth.ipc
web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0]), "ether") + " ether"
/deployContract 212212121