This repository contains labs and materials for the CS167 "Introduction to Big-data Management" at UC Riverside.
Unless otherwise mentioned:
- Each student should attend their assigned session.
- Unless otherwise mentioned, each lab is to be completed individually.
- For each lab, there is one hour pre-lab work to be done at home before the lab starts. It is important to do this part on your own to be ready for the lab.
- If you have issues in the pre-lab part, try to resolve it asap with the TA and the instructor. If not resolved, please bring your questions to the TA during your lab session.
- You are expected to finish the in-lab work by the end of the lab session.
- Each lab is due by the end of the lab session.
- Late penalty will be applied if the lab is submitted after Friday 5:00 PM on the week when the lab is due.
- Remote Access: Setup remote access to your CS167 machine.
- Lab 1: Functional Programming in Java.
- Lab 2: Hadoop Distributed File System.
- Lab 3: Hadoop Cluster and Read Procedure.
- Lab 4: Hadoop MapReduce programming.
- Course website (Only enrolled students will have access)