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muPLSQL is a tool for mutation testing of PL/SQL programs. The following figure depicts the main components of the tool and their ordered steps of interaction with databases.

The overall process for mutant generation and execution:

  1. Configuration is read
  2. The list of objects are read to generate mutants
  3. Mutants are generated and their names are kept in the database
  4. Generated mutants are saved to a given physical path in the working system
  5. Configuration is read for test case execution
  6. List of mutants are retrieved for their deployment on the database (steps from 7 to 8 are processed until all of the generated mutants are deployed and executed)
  7. Each mutant is read from the provided physical path and deployed to Testbed-DB
  8. Test case execution results are saved and status of the executed mutant is updated in Mutant-Status-DB

Testbed-DB and Mutant-Status-DB can be part of the same schema in the database or implemented as different schemas in Oracle database. Mutants-DB keeps the generated and saved source code files in physical path. Their names also are kept in Mutant-Status-DB. Configuration-DB keeps initial properties of the project, including the physical path info, working character set and database connection information.


  1. Version of Java Development Kit (JDK) >= 1.8
  2. Oracle Database instance >= Oracle 9i

Installation and Set-Up For Mutant Generation

Step 1: Configuration for database objects

  • Create Tables

Run create_objects.sql file on the database. The file path is as follows:

This script file creates database tables that are listed below.

Table Name Table Content
TMUTATION Database objects that are subject to mutation
TMUTATION_OPERATIONS Names of the created mutants and corresponding objects
TMUTATION_OPERATORS The set of defined mutation operators
TMUTATION_TESTCASE The list of test cases
TMUTATION_TESTCASE_EXEC Test execution results
TMUTATION_OPERATOR_DETAIL Mutation Operator configuration
  • Add definition to the TMUTATION table about database objects (package/procedure/function) that will be subject to mutation testing

Step 2: Configuration for Java Executable(muPLSQL)

  • properties file ( should contain mandatory properties listed in the following table.
  • Database users must have access permission on the created database objects for mutation testing
  • Physical paths regarding the source code should match with the list at the table TMUTATION Physical path is defined as the value of property SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME
Property name Property Detail Sample Data
SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME Physical path to the source code of the project C:\mutation_testing\source
FILE_OPEN_CHARSET File content character set windows-1252
READ_FOLDER_NAME Physical path of mutants for Test Case Execution C:\mutation_testing\produced_ast\
WRITE_FOLDER_NAME Physical path of mutants for Mutant Generation C:\mutation_testing\produced_ast\
FILE_LOAD_CHARSET File content character set windows-1252
DB_USERNAME Username of Mutant-Status-DB muplsql
DB_PASSWORD Login password of Mutant-Status-DB muplsql
DB_URL Connection information of Mutant-Status-DB (for Java application) jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe
DB_MUTANT_USERNAME Username of Testbed-DB scott
DB_MUTANT_PASSWORD Login password of Testbed-DB tiger
DB_SCHEMA_NAME Schema name of test case executor package (PKG_MUTATION) hr
DB_MUTANT_URL Connection information of Testbed-DB (for Java application) jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe

The following command can be used for creating mutants:

java -cp C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_251\bin;.\deploy\muPLSQL.jar;.\lib\ojdbc6.jar;.\muPLSQL\liblib\ora18n.jar;.\lib\spinatplsql_parser.jar &

When mutant generation is completed, created mutants are saved in the TMUTATION_OPERATIONS table on the database and changed source codes are saved in the physical path already defined for property value of WRITE_FOLDER_NAME.

Installation and Set-Up for Test Case Execution

When mutant generation is completed, the next step is to test mutants with existing test cases.

Two important steps exist:

  1. PKG_MUTATION should be deployed in the database and database users have a grant to execute all of objects defined in test cases
  2. Database connections and mutants file paths should be defined in file
    • The property value of WRITE_FOLDER_NAME should correspond to physical path of generated mutants

The following command can be used for executing test cases on the created mutants:

java -cp C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_251\bin;.\deploy\muPLSQL.jar;.\lib\ojdbc6.jar;.\muPLSQL\liblib\ora18n.jar; &

How to add a Test Case

Test cases are composed of PL/SQL codes. RUN_TESTCASE_PRC method of PKG_MUTATION package is called and executed by muPLSQL for each deployed mutant on database.

 PROCEDURE RUN_TESTCASE_PRC (  piov_object_name         IN     VARCHAR2,
                               piov_new_object_name     IN     VARCHAR2,
                               pion_mutant_id           IN     NUMBER,
                               P_ERR_MSG                OUT    VARCHAR2);

When test case execution is started, steps of test case execution are as follows:

  • Read configuration file and connect to the database.
  • Read mutants and follow the following steps for each mutant
  • Deploy each mutant
  • Execute test cases (Action performed by PKG_MUTATION is called from muPLSQL for each deployed mutant upon which results are inserted into the TMUTATION_TESTCASE_EXEC table)
  • Update the status of each mutant in TMUTATION_OPERATIONS (value of IS_RUN column is updated from 0 to 1)

When RUN_TESTCASE_PRC method of the PKG_MUTATION package is called with mutant_id(pion_mutant_id),mutant_name(piov_new_object_name) parameters, corresponding test cases are retrieved from the database. PL/SQL code is generated to execute for each retrieved test case.

The sample generated PL/SQL code of test case as follows:

How to add a new mutation operator

muPLSQL requires two definitions on database table and Java source code to be able to incorporate a new mutation operator.

Every Mutant generator class extends from the MITransformer class as depicted below.

A sample object diagram of MutationOperator Implementation is shown in the figure below.

There are four steps to implement a new mutation operator:

  1. Creating a new Java class file extends from MITransformer class for a new mutation operator
  2. Adding implementation such as specific properties of mutation operator into source code of Java class for a new mutation operator
  3. Adding a new class to the list of mutation operators in the OperatorLoader class
  4. Inserting a new record into the TMUTATION_OPERATORS table of Mutants-DB for created mutation operator