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Generic batch processor

batchproc is developed to serve the purpose of enabling a uniform way to process large volumes of different types of data & run repititive computations as per requirement

batchproc essentially provides

  • Ability to process any type of indexed, iterative data
  • Customization for batch steps
  • Rungroups to execute batch units concurrently

💾 Installation

go get -u

📔 Documentation

Detailed documentation can be found here

🧑‍💻 Usage

1. New
  • Returns a new instance of batch processing executor.
// Creation stage
executor := batchproc.New(context.Background(), "unique-id", len(data), data, getBatchUnit)
  • GetBatchUnitFunc is a predefined type type GetBatchUnitFunc func() BatchUnit
  • User should define & pass this function while creating executor via New to load batches with user defined type implementing BatchUnit interface
// getBatchUnit returns CustomBatchUnit that implements BatchUnit interface
func getBatchUnit() batchproc.BatchUnit {
	return &CustomBatchUnit{}
  • New also accepts an optional last parameter (batchSize) if user prefers to provide any preferred batch size
2. BatchUnit
  • It's an interface defining two methods Compute & GetResult
type BatchUnit interface {
	Compute(int, int, interface{}) error
	GetResult() interface{}
  • This provides a way for user to have customize batch steps as per use-case
// CustomBatchUnit : define your own struct type
type CustomBatchUnit struct {
	result int

// Compute : define custom implementation for this method as per use case & store result in struct attribute
func (t *CustomBatchUnit) Compute(start, end int, collection interface{}) error {
	if data, ok := collection.([]int); ok {
		data = data[start:end]
		for _, value := range data {
			t.result += value

		return nil

	return fmt.Errorf("type assertion error")

// GetResult : return result attribute from defined struct type
func (t *CustomBatchUnit) GetResult() interface{} {
	return t.result
3. Run
  • Executes batch processing with loaded batch units
  • Internally each batch will process under a separate rungroup (concurrent routine)
  • Any single batch failure will interrrupt other batches & cancel overall batch processing
// Computation stage
if err := executor.Run(); err != nil {
4. Aggregate
  • Aggregate performs final stage of the batch processing, where results from different batches are aggregated to form overall result.
  • User should pass own aggregation function to process batch result as desired
// Aggregation stage
result := executor.Aggregate(aggregation)
  • AggregationFunc is a predefined type, to serve different case-to-case implementations type AggregationFunc func([]interface{}) interface{}
// aggregation : treat results gathered from all batches as required
func aggregation(results []interface{}) interface{} {
	var res int

	for _, result := range results {
		if total, ok := result.(int); ok {
			res += total

	return res

🚀 Benchmark results

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8272CL CPU @ 2.60GHz
Test case b.N iterations Avg processsing time
Addition_of_first_10_million_integers_without_batch_processing-2 100 10665257 ns/op
Addition_of_first_10_million_integers_with_batch_processing-2 251 4620470 ns/op
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10850H CPU @ 2.70GHz
Test case b.N iterations Avg processsing time
Addition_of_first_10_million_integers_without_batch_processing-12 184 6394545 ns/op
Addition_of_first_10_million_integers_with_batch_processing-12 295 4074257 ns/op

As observed, batch processing can nearly run for twice the number of iterations and reduce processing time by half

📂 Example

To execute the demo program, run command make demo