A jQuery plugin to make elements equal height. There are many plugins out there that do this, this one is ours.
Set the property
on any element that is a parent of those you want to be equal, with a value that is the CSS selector of the elements that should be equal height<ul data-equal-height='li'> <li>Short<li> <li>Short<li> <li>Long, long, really long…<li> </ul>
Include and invoke the plugin
<script src='af.equal-height.js'></script> <script> $('[data-equal-height]').make_children_equal_height(); </script>
Revoke the plugin
<script> $('[data-equal-height]').make_children_disequal_height(); </script>
Optionally call the function again if the heights are likely to have changed (eg. if the browser is resized, the font is resized, etc.)
$('body').on( 'resize', $('[data-equal-height]').make_children_equal_height() );
A live example is available.