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Simple example showing how to configure blob storage events to be sent to Azure Queue Service

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Azure Storage Events to Azure Queue Service

  1. Enable Event Grid resource provider for your subscription
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid
az provider show -n Microsoft.EventGrid
  1. Create storage account for queue
az group create --name avegs1 --location eastus2
az group deployment create --resource-group avegs1 --template-file 1-queue-storage.json
  1. Create queue (since it is not possible to create it via ARM template)
az storage queue create --account-name avegs1 --name queue1

queueStorageAccountResourceId=$(az storage account show --name avegs1 --resource-group avegs1 --query id --output tsv)
  1. Create ingest storage account with Event Grid subscription pointing to the created queue
az group deployment create --resource-group avegs1 --template-file 2-ingest-storage-event-subscription.json
  1. Upload and delete files in storage account
export ak=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group avegs1 --account-name avegs1ingest --query "[0].value" -o tsv)

az storage blob upload --account-name avegs1ingest --account-key "$ak" --container "ingestcontainer" --name --file
az storage blob delete --account-name avegs1ingest --account-key "$ak" --container "ingestcontainer" --name

az storage blob upload-batch --account-name avegs1ingest --account-key "$ak" --source "/mnt/c/temp" --destination "ingestcontainer/temp"
az storage blob delete-batch --account-name avegs1ingest --account-key "$ak" --source "ingestcontainer" --pattern "temp/*"
  1. View queue contents in

Scale Experiments

Create many event subscriptions for same storage account (use minimum of 5 since that's the batch size in the template) to see if it possible to create more than 500 event subscriptions on each account.

az group deployment create --resource-group avegs1 --template-file 3-ingest-storage-many-event-subscriptions.json

After about ~505 event subscriptions getting the following error. This is expected based on the documentation of current limit of "500 event subscriptions per topic"

Deployment failed. Correlation ID: bf6e4a31-62aa-4794-b11c-647d2a73fb3a.

  "error": {
    "code": "ResourceConflict",
    "message": "Quota limit reached."

Create many storage accounts and one event subscription for each to see if possible to create more than 100 storage accounts as topics

az group deployment create --resource-group avegs1 --template-file 4-many-ingest-storage-accounts-event-subscription.json


Simple example showing how to configure blob storage events to be sent to Azure Queue Service







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