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Argyle iOS SDK


Argyle’s iOS Link SDK provides a way to integrate Link into your iOS app.

First-time installation instructions are below. To update versions, visit our upgrade guide.


  • iOS 14.0+
  • Xcode 14.0+
  • Swift 5.5+

Installing the SDK

…using CocoaPods:

  1. In the Podfile of your Xcode project, add pod 'Argyle', '5.13.0' (example Podfile)
  2. Run pod install to install the Argyle pod
  3. Run pod update to ensure the most recent Argyle pod is installed

…using Swift Package Manager:

  1. Within your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  2. Find argyle-link-ios by searching the URL of this repo

See adding Swift package dependencies in Xcode for more information.

Directly opening email clients

To enhance the multi-factor authentication (MFA) experience of users, the Link SDK supports directly opening the user’s email client. To enable this feature…

  1. Add the following property to your Info.plist file:

Implementing Link

  1. Log-in to Console and retrieve a copy of your Link key
  2. Create a user token:
  • New users
    1. Create a new user by sending a POST to the users endpoint of the Argyle API
    2. The response payload will include an id and user_token
    3. Save the id for quickly creating user tokens for this user in the future
    4. Initialize Link by passing the user_token as the value for the userToken parameter
  • Returning users
    1. Send a POST request to the user-tokens endpoint of the Argyle API
      • Include the id of the user in the request body as a JSON object in the format {"user": "<id>"}
    2. A user_token will be included in the response payload
    3. Initialize Link by passing the user_token as the value for the userToken parameter
  1. Initialize Link using the Link key and user token.
ℹ️ Make sure the Link key matches the environment of the `sandbox` parameter.

Example Link initialization for iOS:

var config = LinkConfig(
    linkKey: "YOUR_LINK_KEY",
    userToken: "USER_TOKEN",
    sandbox: true // Set to false for production environment.
// (Optional) Limit Link search to these Items:
config.items = ["item_000001422", "item_000025742"]
// (Optional) Callback examples:
config.onAccountConnected = { data in
    print("Result: onAccountConnected \(data)")
config.onAccountError = { data in
    print("Result: onAccountError \(data)")
config.onDDSSuccess = { data in
    print("Result: onDDSSuccess \(data)")
config.onDDSError = { data in
    print("Result: onDDSError \(data)")
config.onTokenExpired = { handler in
		// generate your new token here
    // handler(newToken)

ArgyleLink.start(from: viewController, config: config)