Welcome to the ARFC i2cner repository. Here we will manage input files, output data, collected data, and publications related to the "Dyanmic Analysis with TIMES" project funded by the Illinois i2cner center.
The documentation for this work can be found in the publications folder as well as this readme.
The license for this work can be found here. Please be respectful of my intellectual work by communicating with the authors about its use, understanding its limitations, and citing this repository where appropriate. We would be thrilled to work with you on improving it.
This repository is a work in progress. Development is currently being led by Anshuman Chaube and Kathryn Huff. We welcome you to contribute to the code and data here in this repository. Here is some information about how to do that..
The data used in this project has restricted access, and is stored separately here: https://uofi.box.com/s/guvs9jg8eemqvbn3gl9i328hzq85i8bj .