Releases: arextest/deployments
Releases · arextest/deployments
What's Changed
- chore: bump version by @QizhengMo in #67
- feat: registry config by @QizhengMo in #68
Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5.2
What's Changed
- chore: bump version by @QizhengMo in #67
- feat: registry config by @QizhengMo in #68
New Contributors
- @QizhengMo made their first contribution in #67
Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5
What's Changed
- Update SERVICE_REPORT_URL to SERVICE_API_URL in arex-front-deployment.yaml by @coryhh in #62
- fix: rename report api to web api in docker-compose-2x.yml by @llkkk in #64
- Update by @lijing-22 in #63
- update to 0.6.4 by @binyu1005 in #65
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.4
Version 0.6.3
What's Changed
- Update .env version by @lijing-22 in #58
- Update by @lijing-22 in #59
- refactor: rename report api to web api by @1pone in #57
- update version 0.6.3 by @binyu1005 in #61
New Contributors
- @lijing-22 made their first contribution in #58
- @1pone made their first contribution in #57
Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.6.3
Version 0.6.2
Version 0.6.1
Version 0.6.0
What's Changed
- update version to by @binyu1005 in #48
- Docker compose v2 by @binyu1005 in #51
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
Version 0.5.0
Version 0.4.4
feat: generate the right invitation link for the user by @zhangtao25 in arextest/arex#392
fix: mock body update by @1pone in arextest/arex#397
Trace by @zhangtao25 in arextest/arex#403
What's Changed
- update version to 0.2 deployments by @haibing-wang in #11
- fix bug " empty replay actions" by @haibing-wang in #12
- update docker-compose yaml for deleting time config by @haibing-wang in #15
- add special yaml for mysql,redis,mongodb by @haibing-wang in #16
- upgrade version 0.2.1 by @haibing-wang in #17
- update to 0.2.2 by @haibing-wang in #19
- remove mysql history config by @haibing-wang in #20
- 0.2.3 by @haibing-wang in #21
- 0.2.3 updte docker compose by @haibing-wang in #22
- upgrade to 0.2.4 by @haibing-wang in #24
- update docker-compose special.yaml and distribute.yaml by @haibing-wang in #25
- fix docker-compose-distribute.yml storage-service2 by @haibing-wang in #26
- update yaml to 0.2.5 and add community-test config by @haibing-wang in #27
- 0.2.7 PR to main branch by @haibing-wang in #28
- update arex, arex-report, arex-schedule, arex-storage to 0.2.8 by @haibing-wang in #29
- add cache config and update yml config format by @haibing-wang in #30
- Temp20230510 by @haibing-wang in #31
- Temp20230510 1 by @haibing-wang in #32
- update version to 0.2.10 by @haibing-wang in #33
- 20230601 for 0.3.0 by @haibing-wang in #37
- update to 0.4.0 by @wildeslam in #40
- Delete arex-node-deployment.yaml by @liweiming0611 in #41
- update to version 0.4.2 by @binyu1005 in #43
New Contributors
- @wildeslam made their first contribution in #40
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2