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Backend for DataAmazon.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Environment Setup

Install the python version

Use vscode and set the python verion from .python-version via create environment. Follow the tutorial at

Use Makefile targets to make your life easier!

  1. Start docker containers
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} docker-run

The env_file_path is the path for the {env-name}.env file on your project. We have a local.env with a local configuration that could be used by you to configure you local environment.

  1. Access pgAdmin in your browser at http://localhost:5050 to use PgAdmin to connect to the PostgreSQL database
  • Log in using the admin credentials defined in docker-compose-database.yaml file that uses the .env file, under the service gatekeeper-pgadmin.
  • Double click in Servers > Gatekeeper DB and inform the password from docker-compose-database.yaml
  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} python-env
  1. Install project dependencies

If your are running MacOS, install openssl first: brew install openssl

make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} python-pip-install
  1. Run database migrations
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} db-upgrade
  1. Start the application by using any of the following
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} python-run
  1. If you need to delete the docker containers
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} docker-down

Obs.: this will delete the containers, but not the images generated nor the database data, since it uses a docker volume to persistently storage data.

Running tests

We are using unittest. See examples at

To run all tests from command line, use:


To generage the code coverage reports, use:

# Run the tests and generage the .coverage file
coverage run -m pytest

# Print the coverage report on console
coverage report

# Generate the coverage report in html
coverage html

Creating new migrations

To create new migrations, follow the steps below.

  1. Map your new table in a new file in models/{your_new_model}.py
  2. Import your new database model in migrations/ so alembic maps the file.
  3. Run make ENV_FILE_PATH={ENV_FILE_PATH} MESSAGE="{MESSAGE}" db-create-migration"
  4. Check the generated file under migrations/versions/<generated_file>.py and see if any fix is needed.
  5. Run make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} db-upgrade
  6. Check the database, if there's any problem, run make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} db-downgrade

WARNING: Sometimes a new migration tries to delete the casbin_rule table. This is not intended and should be investigated. As of now, check the migration file to see if the upgrade and downgrade has a create and/or delete table for cabin_rule. If, so, just delete this statement from the files (from both upgrade and downgrade).


WARNING: The current deployment process causes downtime for services.

# Connect to USP infra
ssh [email protected] -p 5010

# Navegate to the project folder
cd gatekeeper

# Get the last (main) branch version
git pull

# Start python virtual env
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Install libraries
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} python-pip-install

# Run db migrations
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} db-upgrade

# Deactivate python virtual env

# Refresh and deploy the last docker image.
make ENV_FILE_PATH={env_file_path} docker-deployment

Accessing the application in prod

  • Frontend:
  • Backend:
  • pgAdmin:
  • TUSd:

First Setup for Local Development

Create a new API Key and Secret in local development

  1. For the first client, the easiest way is to remove the authorize interceptor from the client creation endpoint
  2. Create with curl -X POST http://localhost:9092/api/v1/clients -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "DataAmazon Local Client", "secret": "{secret}"}'
  3. Test with curl -X GET -H "X-Api-Key: {generated-api-key}" -H "X-Api-Secret: {defined-api-secret}" localhost:9092/api/v1/datasets

Dataset import

  1. Change the database host, api key and api secret in tools/
  2. Remove the authorization interceptor for the dataset creation route
  3. python tools/

User Creation

  1. Open http://localhost:9092/api/v1/docs in the browser
  2. Under the "Authorize" button (top right corner), paste the api key and secret
  3. Execute the POST for users route and create a new user

Role management

  1. Open the pgAdmin at http://localhost:9092/pgadmin and login
  2. Execute SQL in app/resources/casbin_seed_policies.sql and app/resources/tenancy_seed.sql in the gatekeeper database
  3. Add your own user to the admin role, so you can test everything:
INSERT INTO public.casbin_rule (ptype, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) VALUES ('g', '{used_id}', 'admin', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Linter and Formatting

This projects uses Ruff to manage code style, linter and formatting.

  • To check code style problems: ruff check
  • To auto-fix some problems: ruff check --fix
  • To format files: ruff format


  1. If you have the psycopg_2 problem, run brew install postgresql
  2. If you have the "Failed to build dependency-injector", use Python 3.10.4


Backend for DataAmazon






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