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Just a rather very dumb hydraulic arm. DUM-E can help you if you are a dev on discord!

What can DUM-E do?


If you're a developer and use discord as your primary medium of communication, you must've realized how tiring and lethargic it feels to switch to your browser window and search for the bug 🐛 that you just hit while sharing your screen to your clients/project manager. Fear not for DUM-E has arrived to give you a helping hand (or more precisely a hydraulic arm 🦾). DUM-E reduces manual effort and increases developer productivity (factor: 20x) in the following ways:-

  • It says pong when you say !ping signalling that it's up and running

Screenshot 2022-11-04 181905

  • It motivates you when you feel low about your unresolved bugs. Just ask him to !inspire

Screenshot 2022-11-04 182556

  • It delivers all the latest tech news from at specified intervals of time.

Screenshot 2022-11-04 182053

  • It picks yours query, places it on stackoverflow and returns all relevant answers directly to your server. The spell: !sso "<YOUR QUERY>"

Screenshot 2022-11-04 181954

How to configure?

  • Copy .env.sample to a new file .env and replace the placeholder with your bot token
  • Replace the STACK_API_KEY placeholder with your stack app key. Create a stack app by logging into the Stackexchange API portal
  • (Optional) Create and use virtual environment for the project. Steps may vary depending on your OS, check out this link
  • Install all the requirements
  • Replace the tech_news_channel_id with your appropriate channel id, find it by enabling developer mode in discord settings and right clicking on the channel you want to receive the tech news in.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run DUM-E 🎉
$ python

Boilerplate code for beginners

New to Here's a boiler snippet you can use and extend as you please..

import os
import discord
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from discord.ext import commands

intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
intents.members = True

TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN") # do configure your TOKEN in a .env file
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)

async def on_ready():
    print(f"{client.user} is logged in")

async def ping(ctx):
    await ctx.reply("pong")

A checklist of things to be done in the developer portal

  • Create a new application

  • Add a bot in the Bot tab

  • Click on reset token and copy the token (use responsibly, if exposed your bot could be misused)

  • Click on OAuth>URL Generator and check the option bot under scopes

  • Give your required permissions

  • Copy the generated URL and paste in a new browser tab

  • Invite your bot to any of your servers

Screenshot 2022-11-04 18411511

Resources to get started with


Ping me on discord: Aravind S#3952

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