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A Django-based file sharing and storage app with user registration, secure storage, access control, and more.


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Share Store


Share Store is a web-based file sharing and storage application built using Django and Python for the backend, and JavaScript and Bootstrap for the frontend. It is the final project for CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript. This project contains a single app 'drive'.

Share Store allows users to register, log in, upload files, and manage access permissions for those files. Users can share their files with specific individuals or make them accessible to everyone. Additionally, users can view files shared with them by others. Share Store employs Firebase Storage for file storage and retrieval. It provides features like user authentication, file upload/download, and access control, making it a versatile file-sharing platform.

Project Demo

Distinctiveness and Complexity

  1. Distinctiveness:
    • Unique Purpose: Share Store specializes in secure file sharing and storage, setting it apart from traditional social networks or e-commerce sites.
    • Targeted File Sharing: Its main focus is on organized file sharing, not social interactions or product sales.
    • Firebase Integration: Share Store integrates with Firebase Storage, enhancing file management.
  2. Complexity:
    • Django Backend: Utilizes Django for user authentication, file metadata, and access control.
    • JavaScript and Bootstrap: Employs JavaScript and Bootstrap for a responsive frontend.
    • User Authentication: Implements secure user registration and login.
    • File Management: Handles complex tasks like file uploads, downloads, and access permissions.

What’s contained in files

  1. static/drive: Contains JavaScript for handling access permissions, the application's logo, and a stylesheet for styling.

  2. templates/drive: Contains HTML templates responsible for rendering web pages.

  3. Initializes the Firebase Admin SDK and creates a reference to Firebase Storage.

  4. Defines data models for the application, including File, User, and Share.

  5. Includes database tests for creating files, shares, and users.

  6. Defines URL patterns for the 'drive' app.

  7. Contains a utility function for iterating over files fetched from external URLs.

  8. Houses view functions that handle HTTP requests and define how web pages are rendered.

  9. requirements.txt: Lists external Python packages and dependencies required for the project.

How to run Share Store

Note: A brief guide on how to create a Firebase project and find the JSON service account key file for this project is given at the end.

  1. Create a Virtual Environment (Optional): If you prefer to work within a virtual environment (recommended for isolation), you can create and activate one. Navigate to your project directory and run the following commands:

    # Create a virtual environment
    python -m venv myenv
    # Activate the virtual environment (Windows)
    # Activate the virtual environment (macOS/Linux)
    source myenv/bin/activate
  2. Install Requirements: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. Navigate to your project directory and install the required Python packages listed in requirements.txt. You can do this using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create .env File: Create a file named .env in your project directory. In the .env file, add the following line, but make sure to replace "Path to json credential" with the actual path to your Firebase Admin SDK JSON credential file. This credential file allows your Django application to interact with Firebase services securely.

    GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="Path to your Firebase Admin SDK JSON credential file"

    Note: You should obtain the Firebase Admin SDK JSON credential file from your Firebase project settings. If you haven't already created a Firebase project, you can do so here: Firebase Console

  4. Configure Firebase: In drive/ file, follow these steps to configure Firebase:

    • Open the drive/ file in your project.
    • Locate the line that says {"storageBucket": ""} (Line 17), replace "" with the name of your Firebase Storage bucket. You can find your Firebase Storage bucket name in the Firebase Console.
  5. Database Migrations: Run the following commands to create and apply database migrations:

    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  6. Run the Server: Finally, start the development server with the following command:

    python runserver
  7. Access the Application: Open a web browser and navigate to `http://localhost:8000`` to access the Share Store application.

Setting Up Firebase for Share Store

  1. Create a Firebase Project:
    • Go to the Firebase Console.
    • Click "Add project" to create a new project.
    • Follow the setup instructions, including choosing a project name and enabling Google Analytics if needed.
  2. Navigate to Project Settings:
    • After creating the project, click the gear icon (settings) next to "Project Overview" in the left sidebar.
    • Select "Project settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Add an App to Your Project:
    • After creating the project, click the gear icon (settings) next to "Project Overview" in the left sidebar.
    • Select "Project settings" from the dropdown.
  4. Generate JSON Service Account Key:
    • In your Firebase project settings, go to the "Service accounts" tab.
    • Under "Firebase Admin SDK," click "Generate new private key."
    • Download the JSON key file containing your credentials.
  5. Use the JSON Key File:
    • Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable in your Share Store's .env file to the path of the downloaded JSON key file.
    • Modify the "storageBucket" value in Firebase initialization code (in drive/ to match your Firebase Storage bucket name.