Hello Coders👨💻 ,I am Arpan Chowdhury, a aspiring Web developer.🤖 Here is the project of the front-end Web Developement.
Here is my personal portfolio.👨🏻💻 I have made it using HTML,CSS & JS. It contains a landing page, about me section, my experiences, my best works & contact me section.
- I have added a frontend page📃
- About Me
- My experiences👷🏽
- My best Works👨🏼🏭
- Contact me page📲
Follow my Github Profile(optional)
Drop a ⭐ on the Github repository
Create an issue of the project or a feature you would like to add in the project and get the task assigned for youself. (issue can be any feature or project that you think you could contribute to).
Step 1:- Clone the Repo by going to your local Git Client in a particular local folder in your local machine by using this command with your forked repository link in place of below given link:
git clone https://github.com/apu52/Personal_Portfolio
Step 2:- Go inside Directory.
cd Personal_Portfolio
Step 3:- Install packages dependencies, run following command in terminal / CMD
npm install
Step 4:- To run this project locally, run the following command
npm start
Step 5:- Open browser and go to localhost:5000
- That's it Your Project setuped successfully for dev environment
- Create a branch using below command.
git branch <your branch name>
- Checkout to your branch.
git checkout <your branch name>
- Add your code in your local machine folder.
git add .
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m"<add your message here>"
- Push your changes.
git push --set-upstream origin <your branch name>
- Add your project name with the link in the readme in the desired format.
- Make a pull request! (compare your branch with the owner main branch)

By apu52 © MIT License
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