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Network Isolation

Nicolas Degory edited this page Jun 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

Cf. issue #1305

Network isolation should be implemented to restrict access to core services. Identifying the services that should talk together will help building the list of networks and which services should use them.

Network name Usage Main service Other services
public for user services that should be virtualized by the proxy service haproxy
core api server amplifier amplifier-gateway
core-public api gateway public URL amplifier-gateway haproxy
storage kv store etcd amplifier
queue message processing nats agent, ampbeat, amplifier, node_exporter
logs log gathering and processing chain elasticsearch kibana, ampbeat, amplifier
logs-public log UI URL kibana haproxy
monitoring metrics gathering and processing prometheus grafana, alertmanager, node_exporter, nats_exporter, haproxy_exporter
monitoring-public metrics public URL grafana prometheus, haproxy
proxy haproxy internals haproxy haproxy_exporter
portal_public portal UI URL portal haproxy