Analysis pipeline for CFTHLens: there are two directories, andrea and jia, read below for documentation regarding the code hereby contained.
If you need to use python on Yeti, with the associated packages (numpy, astropy, etc...), you need to use this one
and set your PYTHONPATH environment variable to
in order to use the hereby installed packages
There is a python script in the "andrea" directory, which computes the two point angular correlation function of the galaxy shear by summing over galaxy pairs (this algorithm doesn't require pixelization, but it's not very efficient, even with heavy vectorization). They way you use it is
python <catalog_filename> <output_filename_corr.npy> <output_filename_power.npy>
The output format is a numpy array with two columns: one with the angle in arcmin, the other with the corresponding level of correlation
Weak lensing emulator for non linear statistics
MCMC: Uses python code emcee. Input needed: prior, likelihood function (bridges to the Interpolator), observations(peaks, MF, etc.) to be fitted to.