OBS plugins for stereo 3d related workflows
- OBS® Studio (https://obsproject.com/)
- StreamFX (https://github.com/Xaymar/obs-StreamFX)
Hardware: To get live video of two cameras into OBS you require hardware that can capture two video streams.
The basic idea is to use an additive shader that combines two image/video sources together. For anaglyph mode a corresponding Color Grading filter for each source removes either the red or green color channels (for red/cyan color glasses). A 3D Transform filter can be used to offset one of the two images if required for convergence adjustments.
Left Eye:
Red Gain 100%
Green Grain: 0%
Blue Gain: 0%
Right Eye: Red Gain 0% Green Grain: 100% Blue Gain: 100%
Here a subtractive shader is used to spot differences between a stereo pair for camera/lens alignment. Again the3D Transform filter can be used to offset one of the two images if required for convergence adjustments. No Color Grading filter are reqired for Difference Mode.