Apache NetBeans 24
What's Changed
- Project (re)load API, initial implementation by @sdedic in #7651
- Support annotation processor dependencies by @sdedic in #7679
- LoadOptions introduced to control project loading. by @sdedic in #7646
- Gradle implementation of Project (re)load API by @sdedic in #7665
- Fixing race condition between end-operation and future completion. by @sdedic in #7705
- Improving "internal reload" during project reload by @sdedic in #7748
- Gradle options lang level text field should not have fixed width by @mbien in #7861
- Multi-project audit caching improved by @sdedic in #7791
- Maven project reload implementation by @sdedic in #7655
- Fix test window for multi-module maven projects by @mbien in #7728
- Maven settings lang level combo should not have fixed width by @mbien in #7830
- pom dependency update hint could also check annotation processors by @mbien in #7860
- Remove ZipError usage which is dead code since JDK 9 (JDK-8336843). by @mbien in #7862
- Update maven-indexer to 7.1.5 and lucene to 9.12.0 by @mbien in #7868
- Java Platform Libraries: Support source archives with multiple modules by @matthiasblaesing in #7932
- [#7228] - Add debugger default variable formatter for BigInteger and BigDecimal by @ShadowOfLies in #7617
- fix for #7640 (formating related issue in javadoc) by @naren2605 in #7641
- Support for string[] vmArgs by @sdedic in #7697
- fix: Organize-imports can sometimes add unwanted imports by @subhash-arabhi in #7699
- Show right doc on hover over constructor by @subhash-arabhi in #7654
- Fixing rename refactoring for record components and compact constructors by @lahodaj in #7670
- LSP: Push diagnostics collected on project indexing. by @dbalek in #7725
- Fix build issues for NetBeans Language Server VSCode extension on Windows platform by @Achal1607 in #7709
- Fixing LspElementUtils with anonymous classes extending an enclosing class, and speeding up the StructureElement computation. by @lahodaj in #7707
- allow reference for maven page by @ebarboni in #7744
- LSP: Speed up publish diagnostics on project scan. by @dbalek in #7737
- Roots (and directories) containing multi-file launcher sources should respond to ClassPath queries. by @lahodaj in #7733
- Attempt to repair PartialReparseTest by @mbien in #7823
- Support for Markdown javadoc (JEP-467) by @lahodaj in #7491
- Primitive wrapper property editors should use valueOf by @mbien in #7864
- Update disallowed-links.xml for apidoc check by @ebarboni in #7821
- Single Java source run action provider improvements by @asotona in #7776
- Fix Single-file-java-launcher test and add module to CI by @mbien in #7887
- Making minor code modifications for better readability and validation by @sid-srini in #7722
- Removed changes in comments while renaming by @subhash-arabhi in #7724
- Robustness of the "Goto Type Dialog" by @jtulach in #7899
- Only run one completion sampler by @lahodaj in #7897
- Disable JDK 23 line-doc comments for now by @mbien in #7907
- [NETBEANS-7467] Fixing synchronization in TokenList.resetToIndex by @lahodaj in #7937
- [NETBEANS-7981] Handling Diagnostics with position -1 while writing error/warning index. by @lahodaj in #7983
- Revert "[NETBEANS-7981] Handling Diagnostics with position -1 while writing error/warning index." by @mbien in #7999
- Revert "LSP: Speed up publish diagnostics on project scan." by @mbien in #7982
- PHP: Added support for Psalm static analyzer by @troizet in #7810
- PHP: Fixed incorrect display of skipped tests in the Test Results window for PHPUnit. by @troizet in #7836
- PHP: Fixed incorrect display of skipped tests in the Test Results window for Codeception. by @troizet in #7857
- LSP Client: Reduce concurrency in LSP communication and register document sychronously on startup by @matthiasblaesing in #7759
- CPPLite: Improve configuration of clangd/CCLS by @matthiasblaesing in #7758
- Adding container repository from Cloud Assets View by @petrovic-d in #7623
- Instruct users on setting up cloud resources when opening SSH session and running container image by @petrovic-d in #7607
- Group application properties by type for Create External Config Properties command by @petrovic-d in #7614
- Instuctions to install Docker and to change key file permissions by @petrovic-d in #7656
- Delete action for Container Repository Images and Vault Secrets by @petrovic-d in #7649
- Cloud Assets - build and push docker command by @jhorvath in #7642
- Create container repository command by @petrovic-d in #7671
- Suggest OCI resource creation when showing existing resources by @petrovic-d in #7678
- Adding option to register a new database in a list of available db connections by @jhorvath in #7687
- Micronaut: Report warnings for properties in config files with unset values. by @dbalek in #7691
- Micronaut: Code completion for named cloud assets added. by @dbalek in #7712
- Copy application config file before docker run by @petrovic-d in #7698
- Added metrics support for Cloud Assets by @petrovic-d in #7700
- Set java.release to 11 for cloud.oracle module by @jhorvath in #7726
- Cloud Assets usability improvements by @jhorvath in #7754
- Save tenancyId and region when Cloud Asset is added by @petrovic-d in #7622
- The id of the graalvmNative extension contains a typo. by @sdedic in #7756
- Command for uploading OCI policies by @petrovic-d in #7761
- Fix saving of modified MN deps, fix OCI props provider, accept file:/ as well as file:/// for save by @jhorvath in #7774
- Fix adding dependencies for ADB by @jhorvath in #7781
- Add all necesary dependencies for ADB by @jhorvath in #7784
- Adding a build native docker option by @jhorvath in #7787
- Micronaut support: minor enhancements. by @dbalek in #7812
- Adding k8s deploy action to cloud assets by @jhorvath in #7826
- Adding action for switching of a namespace on k8s cluster by @jhorvath in #7834
- Fix JBoss 8 Startup detection by @HowardUngar in #7772
- Action for adding Cloud Assets sensitive data to Vault by @petrovic-d in #7831
- Use OCI profile based on an item by @jhorvath in #7870
- LSP: Provide code completion for named resources even when generic NBLS Java support is disabled by @dbalek in #7869
- Create ConfigMap before running the app by @petrovic-d in #7873
- Open in OCI Console command by @jhorvath in #7877
- Align the database path with the other resource names, ensuring all are in singular form. by @jhorvath in #7881
- Payara 7 and Jakarta EE 11 support by @jGauravGupta in #7716
- Support for Payara Server instance running on WSL by @jGauravGupta in #7885
- Create secret rotation CronJob when running the app in the cluster by @petrovic-d in #7878
- Validation before adding items into CloudAssets by @jhorvath in #7929
- Fix how docker image is executed in the OCI Compute Instance by @jhorvath in #7936
- cdnjs: Support handling of resources with embedded slashes afte e6b5e0d by @matthiasblaesing in #7796
- Update Typescript Language Server to 4.4.3 by @matthiasblaesing in #7732
- CSS: Improve handling of generic-at-rules (for example used by tailwind) by @matthiasblaesing in #7837
- Added code preview for “find usages” and related refactorings by @troizet in #7694
- lsp.client: mark occurrences sidebar and make occurrences highlighting configurable by @matthiasblaesing in #7807
UI Changes
- MacOS: Support HiDPI scaling in long filename tooltips by @eirikbakke in #7669
- Add higher resolution and scalable icons to IDE bundle by @neilcsmith-net in #7755
- Donate more SVG icons, and install more duplicates by @eirikbakke in #7463
- Remove textArea border in MultiLineComboBoxEditor by @DJ-Raven in #7799
- NbClipboard adjustments: Ease retries, remove dead code by @eirikbakke in #7668
- Filter out unsupported Look and Feels from UI by @neilcsmith-net in #7832
- Added code preview for “search results” by @troizet in #7779
- Editor: Enable display of characters unsupported by chosen editor font by @matthiasblaesing in #7753
- Update FlatLaf from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 by @mbien in #7884
- Make FlatLaf module standard not autoload by @neilcsmith-net in #7882
- output window: better warning color for FlatLaf light by @mbien in #7913
- ProcessImplementation module cleanup by @mbien in #7677
- Prevent nblogger from dying on errors during format. by @sdedic in #7741
- commons-compress dependecy on commons-codec and commons-lang3 was missing by @matthiasblaesing in #7816
- OutputWindow: text selection can start at index 0. by @mbien in #7951
Language Server Protocol
- LSP: Fixing broken 'nbls.addEventListener' command. by @dbalek in #7648
- LSP: Prevent Document instance to be garbage collected between errors and hints computation. by @dbalek in #7714
- Perform LSP tracing server-side. by @sdedic in #7740
- Forces refresh of a FileObject after the LSP client reports the file has been saved. by @sdedic in #7729
- Proper registration/usage of LSP client ApplyEdits implementation. by @sdedic in #7749
- Fix NavigatorPanelImpl for LSP Client after 47d411b by @matthiasblaesing in #7757
- Bridge the ide/api.lsp services for ide/lsp.client by @lahodaj in #7811
- Self sampler for LSP server code completion by @lahodaj in #7815
VSCode Extension
- Save just documents that are local files reachable by NBLS by @sdedic in #7730
- Warn if JDK appears invalid and offer configuration. by @sdedic in #7813
- VSNetBeans 23.9.9 changelog update by @MartinBalin in #7820
- Attempt to verify that Java exists, and is new enough by @sdedic in #7822
- CI: switch JDK 23 from ea to ga by @mbien in #7764
- Add PR number to dev build artifact by @mbien in #7765
- Update ASM from 9.7 to 9.7.1 by @mbien in #7886
New Contributors
- @ShadowOfLies made their first contribution in #7617
- @naren2605 made their first contribution in #7641
- @subhash-arabhi made their first contribution in #7699
- @HowardUngar made their first contribution in #7772
- @asotona made their first contribution in #7776
Full Changelog: 23...24