Apache NetBeans 14
3994 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What's Changed
- Increment spec versions for Apache NetBeans 14 development. by @neilcsmith-net in #3469
- Moving snap packaging to netbeans-tools repo by @lkishalmi in #3337
- Added ExprorerManager for Cloud services to nbcode by @jhorvath in #3468
- LSP: java.source.save.CasualDiff: Illegal values after using CodeCompletion. by @dbalek in #3475
- Fix for testPreTrusted gradle test failing on CI by @sdedic in #3479
- Minor bugs in code completion fixed. by @dbalek in #3478
- Sync delivery to master after 13-rc1 by @neilcsmith-net in #3474
- Enable building on JDK17 (bump source to 1.8 in web.client.rest and profiler.j2ee) by @matthiasblaesing in #3482
- failsafe:integration-test from contextual menu by @abourree in #3470
- Updating vsce to the 2.6.4 version. by @dbalek in #3499
- Sync delivery to master after 13-rc2 by @neilcsmith-net in #3484
- Payara Micro Hot Deploy support in Apache NetBeans by @jGauravGupta in #3248
- Report real FULL/FULL_ONLINE quality after load. by @sdedic in #3481
- JDK 17 support to Payara Platform tools in Apache NetBeans IDE by @jGauravGupta in #3508
- LSP ProjectView test + fixes by @sdedic in #3502
- Parse Indexables under a source root as a group while running EmbeddedIndexers by @dbalek in #3516
- Application deployment support to locally running Payara Server docker container by @jGauravGupta in #3330
- Sync delivery to master after 13-rc3 by @neilcsmith-net in #3515
- [NETBEANS-6410] - Upgrade JAXB from 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 by @pepness in #3545
- Improve Gradle projects problem reporting. by @sdedic in #3550
- Remove unnecessary log entry from javadoc build by @jhorvath in #3411
- Hint wizzard module dependency fix. by @mbien in #3555
- Download wallet by @jhorvath in #3546
- WIP: Download wallet by @sdedic in #3564
- Adding vscode icons for OCI explorer by @jhorvath in #3569
- Add a pull request template with confirmation of submission terms by @neilcsmith-net in #3431
- Adding vscode icons for db explorer by @jhorvath in #3573
- [NETBEANS-6438] Add code folding for PHP attributes by @junichi11 in #3578
- Integration tests of Truffle/Graal scripts debugger. by @entlicher in #3560
- Cleanup warnings related to raw type Iterator.. by @BradWalker in #3601
- Adding Create Autonomous Database Action/Command by @jhorvath in #3608
- Sync delivery to master after 13-rc4 by @neilcsmith-net in #3611
- Fix indexing after grouping indexing of embeddings by @matthiasblaesing in #3583
- Use combobox vs checkbox on issue template to avoid to issue tasks by @oyarzun in #3513
- update github tags. by @mbien in #3574
- Support icon resource fetch on LSP protocol, multiple content types. by @sdedic in #3585
- Native Image debugger does not set print objects on. Checks added to prevent from exceptions. by @entlicher in #3619
- Use the blessed modifier order in projects located in apisupport proj… by @mklaehn in #3625
- Updated Gradle CLI option support. by @lkishalmi in #3620
- Fixed endless CompletionStage chaining. by @sdedic in #3621
- Fixed processing env variables with '=' in value by @jisedlac in #3623
- Use the blessed modifier order in projects located in javafx projects by @mklaehn in #3627
- Support for generating Micronaut Data entity classes end repository interfaces added. by @dbalek in #3584
- Use the blessed modifier order by @mklaehn in #3624
- Bugfix: Go To source broken for nested classes. by @ratcashdev in #3189
- Fix the wrong use of Enumeration interface by @BradWalker in #3637
- Cleanup warning messages related to redundant cast by @BradWalker in #3634
- Support CompletableFuture in DialogDisplayer by @sdedic in #3613
- JSF: Declaration of the xmlns namespace is reported as missing library by @matthiasblaesing in #3636
- Cleanup warnings related to Enumeration rawtype by @BradWalker in #3643
- LSPBindings synchronization fix by @vieiro in #3644
- [NETBEANS-6468] Fix Windows LAF on Windows 11 and Java 17 by @eirikbakke in #3645
- update VariableMirrorTranslator to bring it up to standards by @BradWalker in #3647
- Cleanup deprecated constructor use by @BradWalker in #3648
- Cleanup deprecated constructor use by @BradWalker in #3649
- [NETBEANS-6425] Provide outline view for Groovy file in VSCode. by @ppisl in #3525
- Added Gradle '--warning-mode all' output action by @lkishalmi in #3633
- Update merge by @BradWalker in #3651
- Larger icon sizes missing in platform branding UI #3544 by @aldobrucale in #3551
- [NETBEANS-6458] A bogus Cyclic Reference issue is resolved by marking fields as volatile. by @entlicher in #3635
- [NETBEANS-6463] Code completion doesn't offer methods from the same class by @ppisl in #3654
- Gradle Tooling Upgrade to 7.4 by @lkishalmi in #3641
- Clean up the use of deprecated numeric constructors by @BradWalker in #3656
- [NETBEANS-5599] PHP 8.1 Support: New in initializers (Part 4) by @junichi11 in #3657
- Add Support for Gradle Configuration Cache by @lkishalmi in #3628
- Export the Truffle packages explicitly, since TruffleJDKServices class was removed. by @entlicher in #3666
- Update project platform/favorites to JDK8 source level and remove wa… by @mklaehn in #3671
- [jackpot] more robust condition handling + code renovations by @mbien in #3561
- Improve CSS Support by @matthiasblaesing in #3642
- Update JS support to ECMAScript 13 / 2022 by @matthiasblaesing in #3599
- Update project platform/api.search to JDK8 source level and remove wa… by @mklaehn in #3676
- Fix Windows profiler.lib workflow by using Windows10SDK.20348 by @oyarzun in #3665
- Ignore dependencies for BOM-like projects. by @sdedic in #3668
- project wide oprimization: improved map traversal by @mbien in #3689
- about window update by @mbien in #3660
- added java module flag list. by @mbien in #3658
- ide/lsp.client + MultiMimeLanguageServerProvider by @vieiro in #3655
- gh issue template update post NB 13 release. by @mbien in #3703
- Command for setting database environment variables by @jhorvath in #3612
- Adding Open Service Console action by @jhorvath in #3674
- Alternative ProjectProblems presenter for LSP server. by @sdedic in #3568
- Do not search unnecessarily deep. by @sdedic in #3721
- SQL completion for Query annotations added. by @dbalek in #3722
- Improve ImplementAbstractMethodsHintError by @junichi11 in #3734
- fix for #3737: BasicSearchForm should not select first entry by default. by @mbien in #3739
- Update eclipselink from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10 by @pepness in #3646
- Keep database username in upper case by @jhorvath in #3740
- project wide refactoring: avoid String.replaceAll() if possible. by @mbien in #3724
- Support for dark themes for VSCode by @sdedic in #3741
- Upgrade Ant library JAX-WS from 2.2.6 to 2.3.3 by @pepness in #3607
- increase git clone depth so that we can restart older jobs post merge. by @mbien in #3754
- Simple changes to reduce warning messages. by @BradWalker in #3760
- #3761 HyperlinkProviderImpl readLock for TokenHierarchy.get by @vieiro in #3766
- Remove old & deprecated openide.util.enumerations module by @BradWalker in #3679
- fix enterprise cluster build on JDK 17 + add upstream-JDK build job. by @mbien in #3764
- Support for Call Hierarchy for LSP by @sdedic in #3735
- Improve handling of recursive JS structures by @matthiasblaesing in #3696
- [NETBEANS-6067] Update JSch to 0.1.72 and junixsocket to 2.4.0 by @matthiasblaesing in #3713
- Fix on PHP tests on Windows by @oyarzun in #3727
- Build with JDK-11 in all Travis jobs by @JaroslavTulach in #3744
- workaround due to old JDK bug (see JDK-4530952). by @mbien in #3777
- Fix maven daemon detection on windows platform by @philippefichet in #3767
- Add Apache NetBeans Snap Package as an option to GitHub Bug report by @lkishalmi in #3788
- Upgrade commons compress from 1.19 to 1.21 by @pepness in #3769
- [NETBEANS-4665] - Upgrade Bouncy Castle from 1.68 to 1.70 by @pepness in #2287
- Prepare the code that GradleFiles.getFile() can return null by @lkishalmi in #3795
- LSP: WebView based UI for Move refactoring. by @dbalek in #3798
- Snapshot of APIs as of NetBeans 13 by @neilcsmith-net in #3792
- #3748 Note for Advanced Proxy Options by @vieiro in #3810
- cleanup Byte & Short object constructors by @BradWalker in #3821
- Maven error/warnings refactored to use Parsing API. by @sdedic in #3793
- Updating nb-javac to version 18. by @dbalek in #3729
- Handle classfiles with too new versions. by @jlahoda in #3598
- Escape backslash in Gradle tooling jar path on Windows by @lkishalmi in #3831
- Cleanup a lot of warnings that deal with LinkedList raw types. by @BradWalker in #3819
- Fix Gradle --warning-mode all action to work with any Gradle release by @lkishalmi in #3830
- [NETBEANS-4826] Fixing java indexing in Groovy by @ppisl in #3802
- [3697] Removed invalid cpp package reference and introduces support for sign… by @mcdonnell-john in #3699
- Avoid spurious errors when loading projects. by @sdedic in #3829
- [NETBEANS-3730] Add simple code completion for Spock test framework by @ppisl in #3736
- Fixing NPE in Spock code completion tests by @ppisl in #3840
- exile job for unreliable tests. by @mbien in #3781
- [3731] Fixing unused import handling for module-infos. by @jlahoda in #3770
- Delete unused private/package private elements hint fix added. by @dbalek in #3841
- Minor bug fixes. by @dbalek in #3847
- Enable Maven editor hints in LSP by @sdedic in #3833
- Better finding missing class in ImportHelper by @ppisl in #3837
- Fixing NPE in SpockUtils by @ppisl in #3855
- Invoke arbitrary action from vscode by @jhorvath in #3843
- Fix console encoding on JDK 18 (Maven + general execution) by @matthiasblaesing in #3836
- Use constants defined in StandardCharsets instead of Charset name lookup. by @mbien in #3844
- [NETBEANS-6411] - Add javadoc for JDK 19 early access and JDK 18 GA by @pepness in #3495
- Upgrade Apache Maven from 3.8.4 to 3.8.5 by @pepness in #3796
- [NETBEANS-5599] PHP 8.1 Support: Pure intersection types by @junichi11 in #3872
- SQL History loss: Reimplement atomatic saving by writing to tempfile and moving to target by @matthiasblaesing in #3868
- Fix KeyRing issues by @matthiasblaesing in #3869
- Save cause of download error for BuildException by @jgneff in #3873
- [NETBEANS-6329] Tools > Show In Finder don't works on JDK 17 by @dyorgio in #3866
- Order Gradle sub-projects Nodes by @lkishalmi in #3875
- GroovyVirtualSourceProvider should run GroovyParser in 'indexing' mode. by @dbalek in #3859
- [NETBEANS-5829] Use --release instead of downgrading the source level. by @jtulach in #3715
- Upgrade Commons-Net from 3.6 to 3.8.0 by @pepness in #3775
- Fixing typo in db env command by @jhorvath in #3880
- github actions ci pipeline. by @mbien in #3785
- cleanup improper declaration in CountingSecurityManager.java by @BradWalker in #3891
- Security vulnerability in dependent library fixed. by @dbalek in #3896
- Fetch richer problem info from gradle daemon by @sdedic in #3881
- Adding internal command for registering DB connection by @jhorvath in #3765
- Handle the case when the connection name is not known before wallet download by @jhorvath in #3905
- [#3728] Only enable VerifyPartialReparse if assertions are enabled by @matthiasblaesing in #3850
- ci pipeline improvements by @mbien in #3901
- Fix add db connection by @jhorvath in #3916
- [#3898] Parameterize Tomcat startup/shutdown timeouts. by @peedeeboy in #3915
- Cleanup the use of Float primitive wrapper. by @BradWalker in #3890
- Fix commit validation jdk16+ by @matthiasblaesing in #3862
- Support for Micronaut configuration enhanced. by @dbalek in #3897
- Fixing user home in project wizard and filtering outgoing messages fr… by @ppisl in #3906
- Relax serialized project cache checks by @sdedic in #3907
- Cleanup raw type warnings related to WeakReference. by @BradWalker in #3923
- Janitor shall remove abandoned cache dirs by @lkishalmi in #3889
- Db Nodes action cleanup by @jhorvath in #3935
- Upgrade Commons-Lang3 from 3.8.1 to 3.12.0 by @pepness in #3776
- NBLS: Refactorings bug fixes. by @dbalek in #3926
- Micronaut Controller class added to New from Template. by @dbalek in #3938
- VSNetBeans doc changes for 13.0.301 VSIX release by @MartinBalin in #3931
- Remove IDE defaults from NBLS distribution. by @sdedic in #3930
- [NETBEANS-5599] PHP 8.1 Support: Enumerations by @junichi11 in #3940
- Extract and display original file name from disassembled .class by @jtulach in #3951
- Sync fixes: currentP can be seen as null by workers. by @sdedic in #3950
- Expand unrolled spock tests. by @dbalek in #3945
- Support invocation expressions in LSP Call Hierarchy; bugfixes by @sdedic in #3955
- Fix resolving possible type of a dynamic variable in DeclarationFinder by @ppisl in #3941
- Replace _dark and svg icon variant in VSCode by @sdedic in #3957
- Prevent possible NPE at MicronautDataCompletionTask by @lkishalmi in #3832
- Fix project load caching by @sdedic in #3942
- Corrected array and String inspection for various versions of GDB. by @entlicher in #3956
- Update Apache Felix to 7.0.3 release by @sjaenick in #3618
- PHPStan alternative configuration file by @KacerCZ in #3963
- [3911] Filter source roots to avoids clashes between module-info files. by @jlahoda in #3924
- Using code generator actions should not take focus from editor. by @dbalek in #3961
- Correcting a typo in the code of the PHPStan static analyser by @troizet in #3925
- [NETBEANS-5599] PHP 8.1 Support: Enumerations by @junichi11 in #3965
- Made GradleCommandLine aware of GradleVersion by @lkishalmi in #3828
- Fixing potential NPE. by @sdedic in #3969
- [3803]Fixing printing of type names for captured types with type variables. by @jlahoda in #3877
- Taking caret offset from SourceModificationEvent. by @ppisl in #3973
- Updating text in Create ADB action by @jhorvath in #3971
- [vscode] Project View synchronizes with the active editor. by @sdedic in #3968
- Jdbc url templates in the Add DB Connection command by @jhorvath in #3970
- 3967: Avoid NPEs, assure compilation phase. by @sdedic in #3979
- Update FlatLaf from 2.0.1 to 2.1 by @DevCharly in #3983
- LSP: Minor bug fixes by @dbalek in #3984
- improved tests for BaseUtilities.toFile & BaseUtitities.toURI by @lbownik in #3902
- Action to create a method breakpoint on a stackframe by @jtulach in #3949
- cancel previous CI run on repeated PR update. by @mbien in #3932
- Show source levels of Java platform in Ant APISupport UI. by @neilcsmith-net in #3987
- Upgrade to Disco v2. by @neilcsmith-net in #3974
- Optimize MimePath#validate by first querying the MimePath cache before attempting to parse by @matthiasblaesing in #3976
- Fix GradleReport Notification and potential NPE on Gradle earlier, than 6.8 by @lkishalmi in #3994
- [NETBEANS-5599] PHP 8.1 Support: Enumerations by @junichi11 in #3998
- version bump: require javac 18. by @mbien in #3953
- Support for JEP 413: Snippet java docs by @singh-akhilesh in #3266
- Fix WeakListener usage in Gradle modules by @lkishalmi in #4001
- Using the size of the tabs as minimum size. by @George-Devel in #3712
- [NETBEANS-2360] Auto-detect HiDPI and anti-aliasing settings on Linux by @eirikbakke in #3113
- [3921] Correctly handling opens directive in package rename. by @jlahoda in #3993
- Fix possible NPE in Java Editor UnusedDetector by @lkishalmi in #4006
- disable failing tests until resolved. by @mbien in #4015
- Fixing ElementJavadoc for files without package clause. by @jlahoda in #4030
- Strip HTML tags from project problem messages by @sdedic in #4042
- notice stub year update to 2022 by @ebarboni in #4048
- Add necessary dependencies for com.jcraft.jsch by @sdedic in #4046
- Prevent Type.Unknown to be cast to ClassType in VanilaCompileWorker by @lkishalmi in #4036
- Sampler module has a lot of obsolete dependencies by @jtulach in #4047
- Proxy selector fixes by @sdedic in #4041
- Improvements for LSP Client by @matthiasblaesing in #4049
- Alternative Standalone Sampler by @jtulach in #4052
- Sync delivery to release140 for 14-rc2 by @ebarboni in #4032
- Additional fixes for Gradle reports by @sdedic in #4067
- new nb module project wizard improvements (merge v2) by @mbien in #4070
- Smart stepping implemented for Groovy. SmartSteppingFilterWrapper int… by @ebarboni in #4073
- Sync delivery to release140 for 14-rc3 by @ebarboni in #4074
- upgrade nb-javac to 18.0.1. by @mbien in #4106
- Fix 'node id XXX already exists' error in vscode. by @sdedic in #4097
- #4113: pretend that folders have no URI, so their icon can be customi… by @sdedic in #4121
- change default integration test goal action mapping to failsafe by @ebarboni in #4096
- Sync delivery to release140 for 14-rc4 by @ebarboni in #4118
- Removing isEventDispatchThread - it causes problems in headless env by @JaroslavTulach in #4134
- Sync delivery to release140 for 14-rc5 by @ebarboni in #4143
- Avoid dependency on ReferenceQueue internals by @anthonyvdotbe in #4130
- JavaWithMaven / POM Project by @vieiro in #4147
- Sync delivery to release140 for 14-rc6 by @ebarboni in #4150
New Contributors
- @abourree made their first contribution in #3470
- @aldobrucale made their first contribution in #3551
- @dyorgio made their first contribution in #3866
- @troizet made their first contribution in #3925
- @lbownik made their first contribution in #3902
- @George-Devel made their first contribution in #3712
Full Changelog: 13...14