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  • make fmt formats the code
  • make lints does linter checks

this also wired to commit hooks

to test with local publish:

  1. set the env var to e.g. renderer/test_snapshots/test-me export ANYTYPE_LOCAL_PUBLISH_DIR=/home/zarkone/anytype/anytype-publish-renderer/test_snapshots/test-me Run the client with this env and publish a page. Make sure test-me was created with index.json.gz inside.

  2. in renderer, adjust Makefile SNAPSHOT_PATH accordingly: SNAPSHOT_PATH:=./test_snapshots/test-me

  3. make render it will create index.html in renderer root. (make sure your ~/go/bin is in $PATH)

  4. launch a static web server in renderer root:

cd /home/zarkone/anytype/anytype-publish-renderer/
python -m http.server 8011
  1. Open http://localhost:8011 in browser

to enable css debug:



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