G\ (spelled G Backslash) is an elegant micro-framework that helps you to quickly build PHP web applications like never before. It applies a very sleek, intuitive and extensible MVC structure for your PHP apps. It does routing, themes, database handling (PDO) and route hooking.
G\ is all about making common core task of any modern PHP application a no brainer and give you all the tools to help you in this. G\ is not about making the actual coding job for you so if you want a framework that creates the database tables for you, handle login, sign-ups, validate forms, etc. G\ is not for you, G\ is for developers who enjoy to code and those developers doesn’t need that intrusive help.
Documentation can be found at G\ documentation and is a work in progress so don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand something.
G\ is copyrighted by Rodolfo Berríos and is released under the MIT License. You can use G\ freely in any project you want no strings attached.
###Help and support G\ is a non-profit project backed by Chevereto and Junkstr (both companies of Rodolfo Berríos) and we gratefully accept any kind of help that you may want to give me like reporting bugs, fix errors, talk about G\ with your friends, etc. G\ is about making PHP better and for that any help is appreciated.
###Code If you want to contribute to G\ feel free to use this very same repo.