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yacc-node - Yet Another Clickhouse Client for NodeJS


yacc-node is a zero depencies Clickhouse Client written in Typescript.


npm install yacc-node --save

# or

yarn add yacc-node

Getting started

Perform your first query using yacc-node:

const client = new YacClient("clickhouse://localhost:8123/default");

const result = await client.query<{ a: number }>("SELECT {myParam:UInt8} AS a", { myParam: 1 });

console.log(result); // [{ a: 1 }]
const client = new YacClient({
  host: "localhost",
  port: 8123,
  protocol: "http",
  database: "default",

const resutl = await client.query<{ number: number }>("SELECT * FROM numbers(10)");

console.log(result.length); // 10

Working on improve the docs.