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WWDC Learning Notes

Present what I learned from WWDC each year. Purpose to work as a Learning Note

WWDC 2024

  • 101 Keynote
  • 2023 Meet FinanceKit
  • 10136 What's new in Swift
  • 10144 What's new in SwiftUI
  • 10146 Demystify SwiftUI containers
  • 10150 SwiftUI essentials
  • 10188 What's new in SF Symbols 6
  • 10198 Run, Break, Inspect: Explore effective debugging in LLDB

WWDC 2023

  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 10154 Build an app with SwiftData
  • 10159 Beyond scroll views
  • 10161 Inspectors in SwiftUI: Discover the details
  • 10162 The SwiftUI cookbook for focus
  • 10165 What's new in Xcode 15
  • 10187 Meet SwiftData
  • 10195 Model your schema with SwiftData
  • 10257 Create animated symbols
  • 111486 17 big & little things at WWDC23
  • 111488 What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23

WWDC 2022

  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of Union
  • 10050 Complications and widgets: Reloaded
  • 10052 What's new in SwiftUI
  • 10054 The SwiftUI cookbook for navigation
  • 10056 Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI
  • 10058 SwiftUI on iPad: Organize your interface
  • 10059 The craft of SwiftUI API design: Progressive disclosure
  • 10061 Bring multiple windows to your SwiftUI app
  • 10068 What's new in UIKit
  • 10136 Hello Swift Charts
  • 10137 Swift Charts: Raise the bar
  • 10142 Efficiency awaits: Background tasks in SwiftUI
  • 10157 What's new in SF Symbols 4
  • 110340 Design an effective chart
  • 110342 Design app experiences with charts
  • 110343 SwiftUI on iPad: Add toolbars, titles, and more
  • 110344 Get to know Developer Mode
  • 110350 Visualize and optimize Swift concurrency
  • 110355 Meet Swift Async Algorithms
  • 110371 Use Xcode to develop a multiplatform app
  • 110427 What's new in Xcode

WWDC 2021

  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 10015 Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data
  • 10019 Discover concurrency in SwiftUI
  • 10023 Direct and reflect focus in SwiftUI
  • 10041 Extract document data using Vision
  • 10058 Meet AsyncSequence
  • 10059 What's new in UIKit
  • 10063 Customize and resize sheets in UIKit
  • 10064 Meet the UIKit button system
  • 10095 Use async/await with URLSession
  • 10097 What’s new in SF Symbols
  • 10115 What's new in App Analytics
  • 10119 SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the basics
  • 10132 Meet async/await in Swift
  • 10134 Explore structured concurrency in Swift
  • 10157 Make blazing fast lists and collection views
  • 10171 Meet in-app events on the App Store
  • 10191 Deliver a great playback experience
  • 10251 SF Symbols in UIKit and AppKit
  • 10288 Explore the SF Symbols 3 app
  • 10295 Get ready to optimize your App Store product page
  • 10349 SF Symbols in SwiftUI

WWDC 2020

  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 10026 Lists in UICollectionView
  • 10027 Modern cell configuration
  • 10028 Meet Widget
  • 10031 Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI
  • 10034 Widget Code-along, part 1: The adventure begins
  • 10040 Data Essentials in SwiftUI
  • 10045 Advances in diffable data sources
  • 10081 What's new in MetricKit
  • 10086 Design for intelligence: Apps, evolved
  • 10088 Design for intelligence: Discover new opportunities
  • 10097 Advances in UICollectionView
  • 10105 Build for iPad
  • 10119 Introduction to SwiftUI
  • 10168 Explore logging in Swift
  • 10176 Master Picture in Picture on tvOS
  • 10182 What's new in HealthKit
  • 10200 Design for intelligence: Meet people where they are
  • 10203 Triage TestFlight crashes in Xcode Organizer
  • 10206 Designed for iPad
  • 10650 Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database
  • 10654 Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac
  • 10658 What's new in education
  • 10666 One-tap account security upgrades
  • 10681 Swan's Quest, Chapter 1: Voices in the dark

WWDC 2019

  • 101 Keynote

  • 103 Platforms State of the Union

  • 202 Using Core Data with CloudKit

  • 214 Implementing Dark Mode on iOS

  • 220 Advances in UI Data Sources

  • 230 Making Apps with Core Data

  • 239 Great Developer Habits

  • 401 What's New in Xcode 11

  • 402 What's New in Swift

  • 411 Getting Started with Instruments

  • 412 Debugging in Xcode 11

  • 506 HEVC Video with Alpha

  • 706 Introducing Sign In with Apple

  • 723 Advances in Foundation

  • 805 Building Great Shortcuts

  • 808 What's New in iOS Design

  • 901 What's new in Core Bluetooth

WWDC 2018

  • 101 Keynote

App Frameworks

  • 202 What's New in Cocoa Touch

  • 203 I Have This Idea For An App...

  • 220 High Performance Auto Layout

  • 223 Embracing Algorithms

  • 224 Core Data Best Practice

  • 225 A Tour of UICollectionView

  • 235 UIKit: Apps for Every Size and Shape

  • 301 What's New in App Store Connect

  • 303 Automating App Store Connect

Developer Tools

  • 411 Getting to Know Swift Package Manager
  • 418 Source Control Workflows in Xcode

System Frameworks

  • 704 Best Practics and What's New with In-App Purchases


  • 804 The Life of a Button
  • 811 Presenting Design Work

WWDC 2017


  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 106 From Monroe to NASA
  • 110 Convenience for You is Independence for Me

App Frameworks

  • 201 What's New in Cocoa Touch
  • 202 Advances in TVMLKit
  • 203 Introducing Drag and Drop
  • 204 Updating Your App for iOS 11
  • 205 What's New in watchOS
  • 206 Introducing Password AutoFill for Apps
  • 207 What's New in Cocoa
  • 208 Natural Language Processing and your Apps
  • 209 What's New in tvOS
  • 210 What's New in Core Data
  • 211 Touch Bar Fundamentals
  • 212 What's New in Foundation
  • 213 Mastering Drag and Drop
  • 214 What's New in SiriKit
  • 215 What's New in Accessibility
  • 216 The Life of a watchOS App
  • 217 Media and Gaming Accessibility
  • 218 Choosing the Right Cocoa Container View
  • 219 Modern User Interaction on iOS
  • 220 Customized Loading in WKWebView
  • 221 What's New in Health
  • 222 Advanced Touch Bar
  • 223 Drag and Drop with Collection and Table View
  • 224 Focus Interaction in tvOS 11
  • 225 What's New in Safari View Controller
  • 226 Build Better Apps with CloudKit Dashboard
  • 227 Data Delivery with Drag and Drop
  • 228 Making Great SiriKit Experiences
  • 229 Building Great Document-based Apps in iOS 11
  • 230 Advanced Animations with UIKit
  • 231 What's New in Core Spotlight for iOS and macOS
  • 232 What's New in CareKit and ResearchKit
  • 234 What's New in iMessage Apps
  • 235 Building Visually Rich User Experiences
  • 236 Cocoa Development Tips
  • 237 What's New in MapKit
  • 238 Writing Energy Efficient Apps
  • 239 Connecting CareKit to the Cloud
  • 240 Introducing Business Chat
  • 241 Introducing PDFKit on iOS
  • 242 The Keys to a Better Text Input Experience
  • 243 File Provider Enhancements
  • 244 Efficient Interactions with Frameworks
  • 245 Building Apps with Dynamic Type
  • 246 Deep Linking on tvOS
  • 247 Extend Your App's Presence With Sharing
  • 248 Localization Best Practices on tvOS
  • 249 Filtering Unwanted Messages with Identity Lookup
  • 250 Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking
  • 251 Now Playing and Remote Commands on tvOS


  • 301 Introducing the New App Store
  • 302 What's New in iTunes Connect
  • 303 What's New in StoreKit
  • 304 What's New in Device Configuration, Deployment, and Management
  • 305 Advanced StoreKit

Developer Tools

  • 401 Localizing with Xcode 9
  • 402 What's New in Swift
  • 403 What's New in Signing for Xcode and Xcode Server
  • 404 Debugging with Xcode 9
  • 405 GitHub and the New Source Control Workflows in Xcode 9
  • 406 Finding Bugs Using Xcode Runtime Tools
  • 407 Understanding Undefined Behavior
  • 408 What’s New in Swift Playgrounds
  • 409 What's New in Testing
  • 410 Localizing Content for Swift Playgrounds
  • 411 What's New in LLVM
  • 412 Auto Layout niques in Interface Builder
  • 413 App Startup Time: Past, Present, and Future
  • 414 Engineering for Testability
  • 416 Teaching with Swift Playgrounds


  • 501 What's New in Audio
  • 502 Introducing MusicKit
  • 503 Introducing HEIF and HEVC
  • 504 Advances in HTTP Live Streaming
  • 505 What's New in Photos APIs
  • 506 Vision Framework: Building on Core ML
  • 507 Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography
  • 508 Image Editing with Depth
  • 509 Introducing AirPlay 2
  • 510 Advances in Core Image: Filters, Metal, Vision, and More
  • 511 Working with HEIF and HEVC
  • 512 Apple Podcasts
  • 513 High Efficiency Image File Format
  • 514 Error Handling Best Practices for HTTP Live Streaming
  • 515 HLS Authoring Update

Graphics and Games

  • 601 Introducing Metal 2
  • 602 Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS
  • 603 VR with Metal 2
  • 604 SceneKit: What's New
  • 605 SceneKit in Swift Playgrounds
  • 606 What's New with Screen Recording and Live Broadcast
  • 607 Metal 2 Optimization and Debugging
  • 608 Using Metal 2 for Compute
  • 609 Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit
  • 610 From Art to Engine with Model I/O

System Frameworks

  • 701 Your Apps and Evolving Network Security Standards
  • 702 Privacy and Your Apps
  • 703 Introducing Core ML
  • 704 Creating Immersive Apps with Core Motion
  • 705 What's New in HomeKit
  • 706 Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage
  • 707 Advances in Networking, Part 1
  • 708 Best Practices and What’s New in User Notifications
  • 709 Advances in Networking, Part 2
  • 710 Core ML in depth
  • 711 Accelerate and Sparse Solvers
  • 712 What's New in Core Bluetooth
  • 713 What's New in Location Technologies
  • 714 What's New in Apple Pay & Wallet
  • 715 What's new in Apple File System
  • 716 iOS Configuration and APIs for Kiosk and Assessment Apps
  • 717 Developing Wireless CarPlay Systems
  • 718 Introducing Core NFC
  • 719 Enabling Your App for CarPlay


  • 802 Essential Design Principles
  • 803 Designing Sound
  • 804 Designing Across Platforms
  • 806 Design For Everyone
  • 808 Planning a Great Apple Watch Experience
  • 809 Communication Between Designers and Engineers
  • 810 What’s New in iOS 11
  • 811 Design Tips for Great Games
  • 812 Size Classes and Core Components
  • 813 Writing Great Alerts
  • 814 Designing for Subscription Success
  • 815 How to Pick a Custom Font
  • 816 Love at First Launch
  • 817 Rich Notifications
  • 818 60 Second Prototyping
  • 819 Designing for a Global Audience
  • 820 Express Yourself!
  • 821 Get Started with Display P3
  • 822 App Icon Design
  • 823 Designing Glyphs

WWDC 2016


  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 103 Apple Design Awards
  • 104 Disability and Innovation: The Universal Benefits of Accessible Design
  • 106 Talking In Pictures: Reconstructing the Building Blocks of Language

App Frameworks

  • 201 Internationalization Best Practices
  • 202 What's New in Accessibility
  • 203 What's New in Cocoa
  • 204 iMessage Apps and Stickers, Part 1
  • 205 What's New in Cocoa Touch
  • 206 What's New in tvOS
  • 207 What's New in Foundation for Swift
  • 208 What's New in watchOS 3
  • 209 Getting the Most Out of HealthKit
  • 210 Mastering UIKit on tvOS
  • 211 Quick Interaction Techniques for watchOS
  • 212 Developing tvOS Apps Using TVMLKit: Part 1
  • 213 Improving Existing Apps with Modern Best Practices
  • 214 Extending your App with Safari App Extensions
  • 215 Focus Interaction on tvOS
  • 216 Advances in UIKit Animations and Transitions
  • 217 Introducing SiriKit
  • 218 Keeping Your Watch App Up to Date
  • 219 What's New in UICollectionView in iOS 10
  • 220 Leveraging Touch Input on iOS
  • 221 Optimizing On-Demand Resources
  • 222 Making Apps Adaptive, Part 1
  • 223 Making the Most of Search APIs
  • 224 iMessage Apps and Stickers, Part 2
  • 225 Extending Your Apps with SiriKit
  • 226 What's New with CloudKit
  • 227 Architecting for Performance on watchOS 3
  • 228 A Peek at 3D Touch
  • 229 Developing tvOS Apps Using TVMLKit: Part 2
  • 230 Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit
  • 231 CloudKit Best Practices
  • 232 What's New in International User Interfaces
  • 233 Making Apps Adaptive, Part 2
  • 234 What's New in ResearchKit
  • 235 Building Great Workout Apps
  • 236 What's New in Auto Layout
  • 237 Getting Started with CareKit
  • 238 Measurements and Units
  • 239 Crafting Modern Cocoa Apps
  • 240 Increase Usage of Your App With Proactive Suggestions
  • 241 Public Transit in Apple Maps
  • 242 What's New in Core Data


  • 301 Introducing Expanded Subscriptions in iTunes Connect
  • 302 Introducing Search Ads
  • 303 What's New in Apple Device Management
  • 304 Best Practices for Building Apps Used in Business and Education
  • 305 What's New in iTunes Connect

Developer Tools

  • 401 What's New in Xcode App Signing
  • 402 What's New in Swift
  • 403 Swift API Design Guidelines
  • 404 Getting Started with Swift
  • 405 What's New in LLVM
  • 406 Optimizing App Startup Time
  • 407 Auditing Your Apps for Accessibility
  • 408 Introducing Swift Playgrounds
  • 409 Advanced Testing and Continuous Integration
  • 410 Visual Debugging with Xcode
  • 411 System Trace in Depth
  • 412 Thread Sanitizer and Static Analysis
  • 413 Introduction to Xcode
  • 414 Using and Extending the Xcode Source Editor
  • 415 Going Server-side with Swift Open Source
  • 416 Understanding Swift Performance
  • 417 Debugging Tips and Tricks
  • 418 Using Time Profiler in Instruments
  • 419 Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps
  • 420 Optimizing Web Content in Your App


  • 501 Advances in iOS Photography
  • 502 Getting Published in Apple News
  • 503 Advances in AVFoundation Playback
  • 504 What's New in HTTP Live Streaming
  • 505 Live Photo Editing and RAW Processing with Core Image
  • 506 AVKit on tvOS
  • 507 Delivering an Exceptional Audio Experience
  • 508 Using Apple News Format to Create Rich and Responsive Stories
  • 509 Speech Recognition API
  • 510 HTTP Live Streaming Authoring and Validation
  • 511 AVCapturePhotoOutput - Beyond the Basics

Graphics and Games

  • 601 Go Live with ReplayKit
  • 602 Adopting Metal, Part 1
  • 603 Adopting Metal, Part 2
  • 604 What's New in Metal, Part 1
  • 605 What's New in Metal, Part 2
  • 606 Advanced Metal Shader Optimization
  • 607 Controlling Game Input for Apple TV
  • 608 What's New in GameplayKit
  • 609 Advances in SceneKit Rendering
  • 610 What's New in SpriteKit
  • 611 What's New in Game Center
  • 612 Game Technologies for Apple Watch

System Frameworks

  • 701 Introducing Apple File System
  • 702 Using Store Kit for In-App Purchases with Swift 3
  • 703 Apple Pay on the Web
  • 704 What's New with Wallet and Apple Pay
  • 705 How iOS Security Really Works
  • 706 What's New in Security
  • 707 Introduction to Notifications
  • 708 Advanced Notifications
  • 709 Engineering Privacy for Your Users
  • 710 What's New in HomeKit
  • 711 NSURLSession: New Features and Best Practices
  • 712 Working with Wide Color
  • 713 Health and Fitness with Core Motion
  • 714 Networking for the Modern Internet
  • 715 Neural Networks and Accelerate
  • 716 Core Location Best Practices
  • 717 Beyond Dictation — Enhanced Voice-Control for macOS apps
  • 719 Optimizing I/O for Performance and Battery Life
  • 720 Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3
  • 721 Unified Logging and Activity Tracing
  • 722 Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 1
  • 723 Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 2
  • 724 What's New in the Apple Push Notification Service
  • 725 Deploying AirPrint in Enterprise


  • 801 Inclusive App Design
  • 802 Designing for tvOS
  • 803 Typography and Fonts
  • 804 Designing Great Apple Watch Experiences
  • 805 Iterative UI Design

WWDC 2015


  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 103 Apple Design Awards
  • 104 What's New in Xcode
  • 105 Introducing WatchKit for watchOS 2
  • 106 What's New in Swift
  • 107 What's New in Cocoa Touch
  • 108 Building Watch Apps
  • 112 Think Audacious

App Frameworks

  • 201 iOS Accessibility
  • 202 What's New in Cocoa
  • 203 What's New in HealthKit
  • 204 Apple Watch Accessibility
  • 205 Getting Started with Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9
  • 206 What's New in MapKit
  • 207 WatchKit In-Depth, Part 1
  • 208 WatchKit In-Depth, Part 2
  • 209 Creating Complications with ClockKit
  • 210 What's New in HomeKit
  • 211 Multitasking Essentials for Media-Based Apps on iPad in iOS 9
  • 212 Optimizing Your App for Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9
  • 213 Building Apps with ResearchKit
  • 214 Introducing On Demand Resources
  • 215 What's New in Storyboards
  • 216 Layout and Animation Techniques for WatchKit
  • 217 Adopting New Trackpad Features
  • 218 Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 1
  • 219 Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 2
  • 220 What's New in Core Data
  • 221 Improving the Full Screen Window Experience
  • 222 New UIKit Support for International User Interfaces
  • 223 Introducing the Contacts Framework for iOS and OS X
  • 224 App Extension Best Practices
  • 225 What's New in NSCollectionView
  • 226 Advanced NSOperations
  • 227 What's New in Internationalization
  • 228 WatchKit Tips and Tricks
  • 229 What's New in UIKit Dynamics and Visual Effects
  • 230 Performance on iOS and watchOS
  • 231 Cocoa Touch Best Practices
  • 232 Best Practices for Progress Reporting
  • 233 Advanced Touch Input on iOS
  • 234 Building Document Based Apps
  • 504 Introducing Safari View Controller
  • 509 Seamless Linking to Your App


  • 301 What's New in Managing Apple Devices
  • 302 What's New in iTunes Connect
  • 303 Getting the Most out of App Analytics
  • 304 iTunes Connect: Development to Distribution
  • 306 Supporting the Enterprise with OS X Automation

Developer Tools

  • 401 Swift and Objective-C Interoperability
  • 402 What's New in LLDB
  • 403 Improving Your Existing Apps with Swift
  • 404 App Thinning in Xcode
  • 405 Authoring Rich Playgrounds
  • 406 UI Testing in Xcode
  • 407 Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder
  • 408 Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
  • 409 Optimizing Swift Performance
  • 410 Continuous Integration and Code Coverage in Xcode
  • 411 Swift in Practice
  • 412 Profiling in Depth
  • 413 Advanced Debugging and the Address Sanitizer
  • 414 Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift


  • 501 What's New in Web Development in WebKit and Safari
  • 502 Content Protection for HTTP Live Streaming
  • 503 Monetize and Promote Your App with iAd
  • 505 Using Safari to Deliver and Debug a Responsive Web Design
  • 506 Editing Movies in AV Foundation
  • 507 What's New in Core Audio
  • 508 Audio Unit Extensions
  • 510 What's New in Core Image
  • 511 Safari Extensibility: Content Blocking and Shared Links

Graphics and Games

  • 602 Managing 3D Assets with Model I/O
  • 603 What's New in Metal, Part 1
  • 604 What's New in SpriteKit
  • 605 Going Social with ReplayKit and Game Center
  • 606 Enhancements to SceneKit
  • 607 What's New in Metal, Part 2
  • 608 Introducing GameplayKit
  • 609 Deeper into GameplayKit with DemoBots
  • 610 Metal Performance Optimization Techniques

System Frameworks

  • 701 Wallet - The home for Apple Pay and more
  • 702 Apple Pay Within Apps
  • 703 Privacy and Your App
  • 704 What's New in CloudKit
  • 705 What's New in Core Motion
  • 706 Security and Your Apps
  • 707 Achieving All-day Battery Life
  • 708 Debugging Energy Issues
  • 709 Introducing App Search
  • 710 CloudKit JS and Web Services
  • 711 Networking with NSURLSession
  • 712 Low Energy, High Performance: Compression and Accelerate
  • 713 Introducing Watch Connectivity
  • 714 What's New in Core Location
  • 715 CloudKit Tips and Tricks
  • 717 What's New in Network Extension and VPN
  • 718 Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD
  • 719 Your App and Next Generation Networks
  • 720 What's New in Notifications


  • 801 Designing for Future Hardware
  • 802 Designing for Apple Watch
  • 803 Designing with Animation
  • 804 Introducing the New System Fonts
  • 805 Apple Watch Design Tips and Tricks

WWDC 2014

Special Events

  • 101 Keynote
  • 102 Platforms State of the Union
  • 103 Apple Design Awards


  • 201 Advanced Topics in Internationalization
  • 202 What's New in Cocoa Touch
  • 203 Introducing HealthKit
  • 204 What's New in Cocoa
  • 205 Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 1
  • 206 Introducing the Modern WebKit API
  • 207 Accessibility on OS X
  • 208 Introducing CloudKit
  • 209 Adapting Your App to the New UI of OS X Yosemite
  • 210 Accessibility on iOS
  • 211 Designing Intuitive User Experiences
  • 212 Storyboards and Controllers on OS X
  • 213 Introducing HomeKit
  • 214 View Controller Advancements in iOS 8
  • 216 Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit
  • 217 Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 2
  • 218 Designing a Great In-App Purchase Experience
  • 219 Adopting Handoff on iOS and OS X
  • 220 Adopting Advanced Features of the New UI of OS X Yosemite
  • 221 Creating Custom iOS User Interfaces
  • 222 Optimize Your Earning Power With iAd
  • 223 Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It
  • 224 Core iOS Application Architectural Patterns
  • 225 What's New in Core Data
  • 226 What's New in Table and Collection Views
  • 227 Creating Modern Cocoa Apps
  • 228 A Look Inside Presentation Controllers
  • 229 Advanced iOS Application Architecture and Patterns
  • 230 Making a Great First Impression With Strong Onboarding Design
  • 231 Advanced CloudKit
  • 232 Advanced User Interfaces with Collection Views
  • 233 Sharing code between iOS and OS X
  • 234 Building a Document-based App
  • 235 Advanced Scrollviews and Touch Handling Techniques
  • 236 Building Interruptible and Responsive Interactions
  • 237 A Strategy for Great Work


  • 301 Affiliate Tools for App Developers
  • 302 The New iTunes Connect
  • 303 Optimizing In-App Purchases
  • 304 Creating Great App Previews
  • 305 Preventing Unauthorized Purchases with Receipts
  • 306 JavaScript for Automation


  • 401 What's New in Xcode 6
  • 402 Introduction to Swift
  • 403 Intermediate Swift
  • 404 Advanced Swift
  • 406 Integrating Swift with Objective-C
  • 407 Swift Interoperability In Depth
  • 408 Swift Playgrounds
  • 409 Introduction to LLDB and the Swift REPL
  • 410 Advanced Swift Debugging in LLDB
  • 411 What's New in Interface Builder
  • 412 Localizing with Xcode 6
  • 413 Debugging in Xcode 6
  • 414 Testing in Xcode 6
  • 415 Continuous Integration with Xcode 6
  • 416 Building Modern Frameworks
  • 417 What's New in LLVM
  • 418 Improving Your App with Instruments
  • 419 Advanced Graphics and Animations for iOS Apps

Graphics and Games

  • 601 Harnessing the Power of the Mac Pro with OpenGL and OpenCL
  • 602 Ingredients of Great Games
  • 603 Working with Metal: Overview
  • 604 Working with Metal: Fundamentals
  • 605 Working with Metal: Advanced
  • 606 What's New in SpriteKit
  • 608 Best Practices for Building SpriteKit Games
  • 609 What's New in SceneKit
  • 610 Building a Game with SceneKit
  • 611 Designing for Game Controllers
  • 612 Motion Tracking with the Core Motion Framework


  • 501 What's New in Core Audio
  • 502 AVAudioEngine in Practice
  • 503 Mastering Modern Media Playback
  • 504 Advanced Media for the Web
  • 505 Harnessing Metadata in Audiovisual Media
  • 506 Your App, Your Website, and Safari
  • 508 Camera Capture: Manual Controls
  • 509 Creating 3D Interactive Content with WebGL
  • 510 What's New in iAd Workbench
  • 511 Introducing the Photos Frameworks
  • 512 Web Inspector and Modern JavaScript
  • 513 Direct Access to Video Encoding and Decoding
  • 514 Advances in Core Image
  • 515 Developing Core Image Filters for iOS
  • 516 Improving the Accessibility and Usability of Complex Web Applications
  • 517 Designing Responsive Web Experiences

Core OS

  • 701 Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X
  • 702 Managing Apple Devices
  • 703 What's New in the Accelerate Framework
  • 704 Building Apps for Enterprise and Education
  • 705 Distributing Enterprise Apps
  • 706 What's New in Core Location
  • 707 What's New in Foundation Networking
  • 708 Taking Core Location Indoors
  • 709 Cross Platform Nearby Networking
  • 710 Writing Energy Efficient Code, Part 1
  • 711 Keychain and Authentication with Touch ID
  • 712 Writing Energy Efficient Code, Part 2
  • 713 What's New in iOS Notifications
  • 714 Fix Bugs Faster using Activity Tracing
  • 715 User Privacy in iOS and OS X
  • 717 Kids and Apps
  • 718 Adopting AirPrint

WWDC 2013

Special Events

  • 100 Keynote
  • 101 Platforms State of the Union
  • 109 Painting the Future


  • 200 Accessibility in OS X
  • 201 Building User Interfaces for iOS 7
  • 202 Accessibility in iOS
  • 203 What’s New in Cocoa Touch
  • 204 What’s New with Multitasking
  • 205 What’s New in Cocoa
  • 206 Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics
  • 207 What’s New in Core Data and iCloud
  • 208 What’s New in iOS User Interface Design
  • 209 Improving Power Efficiency with App Nap
  • 210 Introducing Text Kit
  • 211 Core Data Performance Optimization and Debugging
  • 213 Best Practices for Cocoa Animation
  • 214 Customizing Your App’s Appearance for iOS 7
  • 215 Optimizing Drawing and Scrolling on OS X
  • 216 Bringing Your iOS Apps to OS X
  • 217 Exploring Scroll Views on iOS 7
  • 218 Custom Transitions Using View Controllers
  • 219 Making Your App World-Ready
  • 220 Advanced Text Layouts and Effects with Text Kit
  • 221 Advanced Techniques with UIKit Dynamics
  • 222 What’s New in State Restoration
  • 223 Using Fonts with Text Kit
  • 224 Designing Code for Performance
  • 225 Best Practices for Great iOS UI Design
  • 226 Implementing Engaging UI on iOS
  • 227 Solutions to Common Date and Time Challenges
  • 228 Hidden Gems in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch


  • 300 Managing Apple Devices
  • 301 Extending Your Apps for Enterprise and Education Use
  • 302 What’s New in Passbook
  • 303 Integrating Passbook into your Ecosystem
  • 304 What’s New in Map Kit
  • 305 Using Store Kit for In-App Purchases
  • 306 What’s New in iTunes Connect
  • 307 What’s New in Core Location
  • 308 Using Receipts to Protect Your Digital Sales
  • 309 Putting Map Kit in Perspective
  • 310 Harnessing iOS to Create Magic in Your Apps


  • 400 What’s New in Xcode 5
  • 401 Xcode Core Concepts
  • 402 What’s New in the LLVM Compiler
  • 403 From Zero to App Store in Xcode 5
  • 404 Advances in Objective-C
  • 405 Interface Builder Core Concepts
  • 406 Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5
  • 407 Debugging with Xcode
  • 408 Optimize Your Code Using LLVM
  • 409 Testing in Xcode 5
  • 410 Fixing Memory Issues
  • 412 Continuous Integration with Xcode 5
  • 413 Advanced Debugging with LLDB
  • 414 Understanding Source Control in Xcode
  • 415 Maximizing Apple Development Resources
  • 416 Introducing AppleScript Libraries
  • 417 OS X Automation Update

Graphics and Games

  • 500 What’s New in Scene Kit
  • 501 Integrating with Game Controllers
  • 502 Introduction to Sprite Kit
  • 503 Designing Games with Sprite Kit
  • 504 What’s New in Game Center
  • 505 Advances in OpenGL ES
  • 506 Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center
  • 507 What’s New in OpenGL for OS X
  • 508 Working with OpenCL
  • 509 Core Image Effects and Techniques


  • 600 What’s New in Safari and WebKit for Web Developers
  • 601 Getting to Know Web Inspector
  • 602 What’s New in Core Audio for iOS
  • 603 Getting the Most Out of Web Inspector
  • 604 Introducing iAd Workbench, The Best Way to Market Your App
  • 605 What’s New in iBooks Author
  • 606 Moving to AV Kit and AV Foundation
  • 607 Power and Performance: Optimizing Your Website for Great Battery Life and Responsive Scrolling
  • 608 Preparing and Presenting Media for Accessibility
  • 609 Introduction to iBooks Author Widget and iAd Rich Media Ad Development with iAd Producer 4
  • 610 What’s New in Camera Capture
  • 611 Building Advanced iBooks HTML 5 Widgets and iAd Rich Media Ads
  • 612 Advanced Editing with AV Foundation
  • 613 iAd Integration and Best Practices
  • 614 Implementing OS X Push Notifications for Websites
  • 615 Integrating JavaScript into Native Apps

Core OS

  • 700 Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X
  • 701 Maximizing Battery Life on OS X
  • 702 Efficient Design with XPC
  • 703 Core Bluetooth
  • 704 Building Efficient OS X Apps
  • 705 What’s New in Foundation Networking
  • 707 What’s New in Kext Development
  • 708 Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity
  • 709 Protecting Secrets with the Keychain
  • 710 A Practical Guide to the App Sandbox
  • 711 Advances in AirPrint
  • 712 Energy Best Practices
  • 713 The Accelerate Framework
  • 714 Protecting your Users’ Privacy

WWDC 2012


  • 100 Keynote
  • 101 Platforms Kickoff


  • 200 What's New in Cocoa Touch
  • 202 Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X
  • 203 Accessibility for OS X
  • 204 What's New in Cocoa
  • 205 Introducing Collection Views
  • 206 Secure Automation Techniques in OS X
  • 208 Saving and Restoring Application State on iOS
  • 209 iCloud Storage Overview
  • 210 Accessibility for iOS
  • 211 Building Concurrent User Interfaces on iOS
  • 212 Basics+Habits: Building Your Software Projects To Last
  • 213 Introduction to High Resolution on OS X
  • 214 Core Data Best Practices
  • 215 Text and Linguistic Analysis
  • 216 Advanced Appearance Customization on iOS
  • 217 Layer-Backed Views: AppKit + Core Animation
  • 218 Using iCloud with UIDocument
  • 219 Advanced Collection Views and Building Custom Layouts
  • 220 Keyboard Input in iOS
  • 221 iOS User Interface Design
  • 222 Introduction to Attributed Strings for iOS
  • 223 Enhancing User Experience with Scroll Views
  • 224 Using iCloud with NSDocument
  • 225 Up and Running: Making a Great Impression with Every Launch
  • 226 Core Text and Fonts
  • 227 Using iCloud with Core Data
  • 228 Best Practices for Mastering Auto Layout
  • 230 Advanced Attributed Strings for iOS
  • 231 What's New with Gestures
  • 232 Auto Layout by Example
  • 233 Building Advanced Gesture Recognizers
  • 234 AirPrint
  • 235 iOS App Performance: Responsiveness
  • 236 The Evolution of View Controllers on iOS
  • 237 Advanced iCloud Document Storage
  • 238 iOS App Performance: Graphics and Animations
  • 240 Polishing Your Interface Rotations
  • 241 Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC
  • 242 iOS App Performance: Memory
  • 243 iPhoto for iOS: UI Progression and Animation Design
  • 244 Internationalization Tips and Tricks
  • 245 Advanced Tips and Tricks for High Resolution on OS X

App Services

  • 300 Getting Around Using Map Kit
  • 301 Introducing Passbook, Part 1
  • 302 Selling Products with Store Kit
  • 303 Staying on Track with Location Services
  • 304 Events and Reminders in Event Kit
  • 305 What's New in iTunes Connect for App Developers
  • 306 Integrating With Facebook, Twitter and Sina Weibo
  • 307 Building Great Newsstand Apps
  • 308 Managing Subscriptions with In-App Purchase
  • 309 Introducing Passbook, Part 2
  • 311 Building and Distributing Custom B2B Apps for iOS

Developer Tools

  • 400 Developer Tools Kickoff
  • 402 Working Efficiently with Xcode
  • 404 Building from the Command Line with Xcode
  • 405 Modern Objective-C
  • 406 Adopting Automatic Reference Counting
  • 407 Adopting Storyboards in Your App
  • 408 Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode
  • 409 Learning Instruments
  • 410 What's New in LLVM
  • 411 Source Control Management in Xcode
  • 412 Debugging in Xcode
  • 413 Migrating to Modern Objective-C
  • 414 Building, Archiving, and Submitting Your App
  • 415 Debugging with LLDB

Graphics, Media & Games

  • 500 Game Technologies Kickoff
  • 501 Publishing with the iBookstore
  • 502 Effective HTTP Live Streaming
  • 503 Building Books with iBooks Author
  • 504 Introducing Scene Kit
  • 505 Audio Session and Multiroute Audio in iOS
  • 506 Optimizing 2D Graphics and Animation Performance
  • 508 What's New in Game Center
  • 509 Building Interactive Books with EPUB 3 and JavaScript
  • 510 Getting Started with Core Image
  • 511 Core Image Techniques
  • 512 What's New in HTTP Live Streaming
  • 513 Advances in OpenGL and OpenGL ES
  • 514 OpenGL ES Tools and Techniques
  • 515 HTML, CSS, and DOM for Book Authors
  • 516 Integrating Your Games with Game Center
  • 517 Real-Time Media Effects and Processing during Playback
  • 518 Improving Accessibility in Books
  • 519 Multiplayer Gaming with Game Center
  • 520 What's New in Camera Capture
  • 521 Building Game Center Games for OS X
  • 522 Adopting OpenCL in Your Application
  • 523 Best Practices for Color Management
  • 524 Understanding Core Motion

Safari & Web

  • 600 Debugging UIWebViews and Websites on iOS
  • 601 Optimizing Web Content in UIWebViews and Websites on iOS
  • 602 Delivering Web Content on High Resolution Displays
  • 603 Tools, Services, and APIs for iTunes Affiliate Program Marketing
  • 604 Advanced Effects with HTML5 Media Technologies
  • 605 Producing Rich Media Advertisements for iAd

Core OS

  • 700 The OS X App Sandbox
  • 701 iOS Accessories
  • 702 Gatekeeper and Developer ID
  • 703 Core Bluetooth 101
  • 704 The Security Framework
  • 705 Advanced Core Bluetooth
  • 706 Networking Best Practices
  • 707 Simplify Networking with Bonjour
  • 708 The Accelerate Framework
  • 709 What's New In The Filesystem
  • 710 Privacy Support in iOS and OS X
  • 711 Power Management
  • 712 Asynchronous Design Patterns with Blocks, GCD, and XPC
  • 714 Protecting the User's Data

WWDC 2011


  • 600 Keynote
  • 601 Apple Platforms Kickoff

App Frameworks

  • 100 What's New in Cocoa Touch
  • 101 What's New in Cocoa
  • 102 Implementing UIViewController Containment
  • 103 Cocoa Autolayout
  • 104 Advanced ScrollView Techniques
  • 105 Polishing your App: Tips and Tricks to Improve Responsiveness and Performance
  • 106 System-wide Previews on OSX and iOS
  • 107 Auto Save and Versions in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
  • 108 iOS Printing System
  • 109 Taking Advantage of File Coordination
  • 110 Designing User Interfaces for iOS and Mac OS X Apps
  • 111 Visualizing Information Geographically with MapKit
  • 112 Writing Easy-To-Change Code: Your Second-Most Important Goal As A Developer
  • 113 Full Screen and Aqua Changes
  • 114 Customizing the Appearance of UIKit Controls
  • 115 Scrolling, Swiping, Dragging: Now with more animation!
  • 116 Storing Documents in iCloud using iOS 5
  • 117 Performing Calendar Calculations
  • 118 Making the Most of Multi-Touch on iOS
  • 119 Resume and Automatic Termination in Lion
  • 120 View Based NSTableView Basic to Advanced
  • 121 Understanding UIKit Rendering
  • 122 iOS Accessibility
  • 123 Improving the Stability of Your Apps
  • 124 Twitter Integration
  • 125 UITableView Changes, Tips & Tricks
  • 127 Design Patterns to Simplify Mac Accessibility
  • 128 Advanced Text Processing
  • 129 Practical Drawing for iOS Developers
  • 131 Getting Your Apps Ready for China and other Hot New Markets
  • 133 Lion-Sized Automation
  • 136 Latent Semantic Mapping: Exposing the Meaning behind Words and Documents

Core OS

  • 200 Core OS Networking, Key Principles
  • 201 Working with iOS Accessories
  • 202 Security Overview
  • 203 Introducing App Sandbox
  • 204 App Sandbox and the Mac App Store
  • 205 Core OS Networking In-Depth
  • 206 Introducing XPC
  • 207 Userland Device Access
  • 208 Securing Application Data
  • 209 Inside the Accelerate Framework for iOS
  • 210 Mastering Grand Central Dispatch
  • 211 Bonjour Network Discovery and Connectivity
  • 212 Next Generation Cryptographic Services*

Developer Tools

  • 300 Developer Tools Kickoff
  • 302 Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4
  • 303 What's New in Core Data on iOS
  • 306 Maximizing Productivity in Xcode 4
  • 307 Moving to Apple LLVM compiler
  • 308 Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch in Practice
  • 309 Introducing Interface Builder Storyboarding
  • 310 What's New in Instruments
  • 311 Mastering Source Control in Xcode 4
  • 312 iOS Performance and Power Optimization with Instruments
  • 313 Mastering Schemes in Xcode 4
  • 315 What's New in Core Data on Mac OS X
  • 316 LLVM Technologies in Depth
  • 317 Device Management and App Submission with Xcode 4
  • 319 Effective Debugging with Xcode 4
  • 320 Adopting Multitasking in Your App
  • 321 Migrating from GDB to LLDB
  • 322 Objective-C Advancements In-Depth
  • 323 Introducing Automatic Reference Counting

Graphics, Media, & Games

  • 400 Graphics, Media, and Games Kickoff
  • 401 What's New in OpenCL
  • 402 Essential Game Technologies for iOS, Pt 1
  • 403 Essential Game Technologies for iOS, Pt 2
  • 404 Audio Development for Games
  • 405 Exploring AV Foundation
  • 406 AirPlay and External Displays in iOS apps
  • 407 Introduction to Game Center
  • 408 HTTP Live Streaming Update
  • 409 Working with Game Center
  • 410 Multi-Player Gaming with Game Center
  • 411 Music in iOS and Lion
  • 412 Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center
  • 413 Audio Session Management for iOS
  • 414 Advances in OpenGL ES for iOS 5
  • 415 Working with Media in AV Foundation
  • 416 Tools for Tuning OpenGL ES Apps on iOS
  • 417 Introducing AV Foundation Capture For Lion
  • 418 Best Practices for OpenGL ES Apps in iOS
  • 419 Capturing from the Camera using AV Foundation on iOS 5
  • 420 Advances in OpenGL for Mac OS X Lion
  • 421 Core Animation Essentials
  • 422 Using Core Image on iOS & Mac OS X
  • 423 What's New in Core Motion

Internet & Web

  • 500 What's New in Core Location
  • 501 iCloud Storage Overview
  • 502 Advanced HTML5 Media Controllers in Safari
  • 503 Hidden Gems for Web Apps
  • 504 Building Newsstand Apps
  • 505 iAd Implementation Best Practices
  • 506 Building iAd Rich Media Ads with iAd Producer
  • 507 iBooks: Create Beautiful Books with HTML5, CSS3 and EPUB
  • 508 Understanding And Optimizing Web Graphics
  • 509 What's New in CSS Effects and Animations
  • 510 In-App Purchase for iOS and Mac OS X
  • 511 Rich Text Editing in Safari on iOS
  • 512 What's New in App Publishing With iTunes Connect
  • 514 What's New in Safari Extensions
  • 515 Using HTML5 Offline Storage
  • 516 Understanding Layout and Gestures in Safari on iOS and Lion
  • 517 Using Local And Push Notifications on iOS and Mac OS X
  • 518 Testing Your Location-Aware App Without Leaving Your Chair
  • 519 Combining Web Accessibility and Automation on iOS

Tech Talks

  • 803 Designing for Subscription Success

App Store Connect

  • 101 TestFlight

  • 102 App Analytics Overview

  • 103 App Analytics Metrics

  • 104 App Analytics Retention

  • 105 App Store Connect Basics

  • 10869 Family Sharing for in-app purchases

Tech Talks




Present what I learned from WWDC each year. Purpose to work as a Learning Note








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