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🐺 Werewolves Assistant Web is a Nuxt Web App using the Werewolves Assistant API. It helps you, the game master, to manage your games of Werewolves Of Millers Hollow.


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Repository files navigation


TypeScript Nuxt TailwindCSS

⚙️ Build Workflow 🚀 Deploy To Production Workflow

GitHub release semantic-release: conventional commits GitHub license DependenciesKnown Vulnerabilities

Tests count Scenarios Mutation testing badge

Technical Debt Duplicated Lines (%) Code Smells

📋 Table of Contents

  1. 🐺 What is this app ?
  2. 🃏 Available roles
  3. 📸 Screenshots
  4. 🔨 Installation
  5. 🚀 Build
  6. 💯 Tests
  7. 🌿 Env variables
  8. ☑️ Code analysis and consistency
  9. 📈 Releases & Changelog
  10. 🐙 GitHub Actions
  11. Misc commands
  12. ©️ License
  13. ❤️ Contributors

Werewolves Assistant Web is a Nuxt Web App using the Werewolves Assistant API. It helps you, the game master, to manage your games of Werewolves Of Millers Hollow.


This is the next version of the current Werewolves Assistant Web. It is still under development.

🤔 Want to know more about this awesome project ? Check out the dedicated about page.


Big Bad Wolf

Accursed Wolf-Father

White Werewolf







Little Girl





Two Sisters

Three Brothers


Bear Tamer

Stuttering Judge

Rusty Sword Knight

Wild Child




Pied Piper


Prejudiced Manipulator


Devoted Servant
🏠 Home Page

Home page

❓ About Page

About page

🤼 Game Lobby Page
🤼 Game Lobby Page without players

Game Lobby Page without players

🤼 Game Lobby Page with 40 players

Game Lobby Page with 40 players

🃏 Game Lobby Role Picker without picked role

Game Lobby Role Picker without picked role

🃏 Game Lobby Role Picker with picked role

Game Lobby Role Picker with picked role

⚙️ Game Lobby Options Hub

Game Lobby Options Hub

🎲 Game Page
🕹️ Game Playgrounds
🐺 👹 Big Bad Wolf eats Playground

Big Bad Wolf eats Playground

🔫 Hunter shoots Playground

Hunter shoots Playground

🔮 Seer looks Playground

Seer looks Playground

🎖️ Sheriff delegates Playground

Sheriff delegates Playground

🎖️ Sheriff settles votes Playground

Sheriff settles votes Playground

🎖️ Survivors elect the Sheriff Playground

Survivors elect the Sheriff Playground

🐺 Werewolves eat Playground

Werewolves eat Playground

🤷 Game Playground without targets

Game Playground without targets

❓ Game not found

Game not found

❌ Game canceled

Game canceled

🏆 Game Victory Page
🪽 Game won by Angel

Game won by Angel

💞 Game won by Lovers

Game won by Lovers

🧑🏻‍🌾 Game won by Villagers

Game won by Villagers

🐺 Game won by Werewolves

Game won by Werewolves

☠️ Game won by nobody

Game won by nobody

🪈 Game won by Pied Piper

Game won by Pied Piper

🐺 🦴 Game won by White Werewolf

Game won by White Werewolf

To install this project, you will need to have on your machine :


We recommend to use the node version specified in the .nvmrc file. At least, you'll need to have version 20 installed as mentioned in package.json file.


If you don't have pnpm installed, you can still use npm for all commands below, but we recommend to use pnpm for faster and more reliable installations.

Then, run the following commands :

# Install dependencies and Husky hooks
pnpm install

# Run the app in dev mode
pnpm run dev

The above command will start the app in development mode and watch for changes on local.

In order to build the app for production, run the following command :

# Build the app
pnpm run build

🧪 Unit tests


Tests count

Covered Statements

Covered Branches

Covered Functions

Covered Lines

⚗️ E2E / Acceptance tests




E2E tests are written in Gherkin language around Playwright functions and are available in the features directory.


🏞️ Screenshots for visual regression tests for each platform (linux / darwin) are available in the screenshots directory.

👽 Mutant testing


Mutation testing badge

▶️ Commands


Before testing, you must follow the installation steps.

Then, run one of the following commands :

# Assure you started Werewolves Assistant sandbox API docker containers before running tests
pnpm run docker:sandbox-api:start

# Run unit tests with coverage
pnpm run test:unit:cov

# Run unit tests only on staged files (run on pre-commit)
pnpm run test:unit:staged

# Before running e2e tests, you must prepare them
pnpm run test:cucumber:prepare

# Run e2e acceptance tests and generate a HTML report
pnpm run test:cucumber

# Run e2e acceptance tests without screenshots comparison and generate a HTML report
pnpm run test:cucumber:skip-screenshots-comparison

# Generate a HTML report from the last e2e tests run (implied by the previous command)
pnpm run test:cucumber:html-report

# Run mutant tests with coverage
pnpm run test:stryker

# Run mutant tests with coverage from scratch (without using the incremental file)
pnpm run test:stryker:force

Environnement files are available in the env directory.


You can create a .env file in this directory to override the default values when starting the API locally with pnpm run dev command.

Environment variables are :

Name Description Required Default value Limitations
NUXT_PUBLIC_DEFAULT_LOCALE Locale used when starting the app en Must be either en or fr
SKIP_SCREENSHOTS_COMPARISON_TESTS In E2E tests, skip all screenshots comparisons, not used in production false Must be either true or false

🔍 Code linting & formatting


In order to keep the code clean, consistent and free of bad TS practices, more than 300 ESLint rules are activated !


Complete list of all enabled rules is available in the eslintrc.config.js file.

▶️ Commands


Before linting, you must follow the installation steps.

Then, run one of the following commands :

# Lint 
pnpm run lint

# Lint and fix
pnpm run lint:fix

# Lint and fix only on staged files (runs on pre-commit)
pnpm run lint:staged:fix

# Inspect ESLint config with @eslint/config-inspector
pnpm run lint:inspect-config

🥇 Project quality scanner

Multiple tools are set up to maintain the best code quality and to prevent vulnerabilities :



You can check the CodeQL analysis report here.



SonarCloud summary is available here.

Coverage Duplicated Lines (%) Quality Gate Status

Technical Debt Vulnerabilities Code Smells

Reliability Rating Security Rating Bugs

Releases on main branch are generated and published automatically by :

Semantic Release

It uses the conventional commit strategy.

Each change when a new release comes up is listed in the file.


Also, you can keep up with changes by watching releases via the Watch GitHub button at the top of this page.

This project uses GitHub Actions to automate some boring tasks.


You can find all the workflows in the .github/workflows directory.

🎢 Workflows

Name Description & Status Triggered on
⚙️ Build Various checks for app health, code quality and tests coverage

⚙️ Build Workflow
push on develop and all pull requests to develop
🔃 Lint PR Name Into Develop Workflow Checks if pull request name respects conventionnal-commit rules

🔃 Lint PR Name Into Develop Workflow
pull-request created or updated
🔃️ Upsert PR Release Workflow Creates or updates pull request to main depending on commits on develop since last release

🔃️ Upsert PR Release Workflow
push on develop
🏷️ Release Creation Workflow Creates a new release using semantic-release with tag and updated changelog

🏷️ Release Creation Workflow
push on main
🚀 Deploy To Production Workflow Deploys app with last tag version to Docker Hub and GCP

🚀 Deploy To Production Workflow

🔀 Create git branch with a conventional name

pnpm run script:create-branch

⤴️ Create pull request against the develop branch from current branch

pnpm run script:create-pull-request

📣 To all IntelliJ IDEs users (IntelliJ, Webstorm, PHPStorm, etc.)

All the above commands are available in the .run directory at the root of the project.


You can add them as run configurations in your IDE.

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


If you want to contribute to this project, please read the contribution guide.

Thank you to all the contributors:

Daniel Roe

Alexander Lichter