Library of useful and reusable CPP utilities and classes
algorithm_rda.h - A collection of some useful algorithms.
ansi_codes.h - Utility for printing ansi escape codes to the console.
arbnumber.h - Utility for using and manipulating arbitrary precision floating point numbers.
benchmark.h - Simple utility to benchmark how long a task takes to complete. Uses object lifetime.
bidirectional_map.h - Utility for representing two one-to-one std::map objects that can be indexed by either key or value.
cmdline_options.h - Portable utility for parsing command line arguments.
comparable.h - Utility to generate all of the common comparison operator overloads.
csv.h - Utilities for dealing with comma separated values.
fileio.h - Utility for reading and writing files.
fix_message.h - Utility for quickly retrieving fields from a FIX message string.
fix_message_util.h - Utility for FIX Messages.
graph.h - Graph data structure.
htmlchars.h - HTML Characters.
htmldoc.h - Utility to generate html pages.
ipv4_util - Utilities for ipv4 addresses.
json.h - Light-weight parser for json-like text.
json_model.h - Base class for structures to model JSON data.
lifetime.h - Utility to benchmark the lifetime of c++ objects in containers.
matrix.h - Simple matrix class.
moaht.h - Minimal Implementation of an Open Addressing Hash Table, indexed by integer.
object_builder.h - Object Builder helper class.
one_to_one_map.h - Wraps a std::map where the key and value are the same type, and can be searched by key or value.
platform_defs.h - Useful platform-dependent macros and utilities.
platform_defs_posix.h - Useful platform-dependent macros and utilities for POSIX.
platform_defs_windows.h - Useful platform-dependent macros and utilities for Windows.
regex_builder.h - Utility to build regular expressions.
statemachine.h - Utility to create a simple state machine. Functions can be called on transitions and when states are entered.
sync_rda.h - A collection of some useful utils for synchronization.
table.h - Utility to represent and access data elements in a table/matrix format.
toolean.h - Utility for a "trinary" boolean that can hold three states: true, false, other. (Kind of a joke.)
utility.h - Misc utilities.
web_grab.h - Utility to wrap libcurl web requests.
xml.h - Light-weight parser for xml-like text.
ymd - Utility to represent a simple year-month-date object.