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Green House

This React-powered web application, backed by Firebase, is designed for seamlessly labeling plants in a garden. Each labeled plant features a unique QR code, alongside its common name, latin name, and a wealth of information accessible by scanning the code. This website is a part of our commitment to community service in Siwalankerto. It aims to empower the community by providing accessible information about the plants in their garden, focusing on their medicinal benefits.


  • QR Code Labeling: Easily label each plant in your garden with a unique QR code.
  • Admin Management Panel: Admins can effortlessly perform CRUD operations on plant data, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Multi-Admin Access: The admin panel allows the addition of multiple administrators by specifying their email addresses.


Home page shows all plants data

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Detail plant with specific name

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Login page for administator

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Administrator dashboard shows all plants data to manage

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Editing page for create and edit plant data (use WYSIWYG editor)

tanaman-obat-keluarga abdimas-siwalan petra ac id_admin_manage 2

QR Code generated for each plant

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Example downloaded QR Code


Admin page to manage administrator access

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