- Apache Storm v0.9.4
- CentOS 7
- OpenJDK v1.7
- 1 node of commodity cluster for running Zookeeper, Nimbus and UI
- 9 nodes of commodity cluster for executing the topologies(supervisors)
Storm Topology
- bolts directory contains different bolts used in aadhaar enrollment topology
- spout directory has AadhaarSpout which feed packets to topology
- config directory contains global configuration files used by topology
- topology directory has Enrollment topology
Event generation and logging framework
- Used to create events from given input file according to timestamps values and logs the data generated during execution of topology for future analysis.
- Go to bin directory and run following command:
"./runUidaiTopology.sh experimentID" where experimentID is a number of experiment e.g. 100, 101 etc. - You can change different parameters used in runUidaiTopology.sh file.
- By default 15 minutes events are given, if you want to create 24 hours events then either make changes in runUidaiTopology.sh file or run "python /path/to/.../data/enroll/scripts/eventGen.py" on terminal.
Please refer the paper for detailed info - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.04160v2.pdf at [WBDB-2015] [WBDB-2015]: http://clds.sdsc.edu/wbdb2015.in