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Svelte Square Grid

A simple square based grid for Svelte.
Can help you to easily create an image gallery like Artstation's, Windows 8 start menu, Android's photo gallery and more. demo screenshot

See the demo


npm install svelte-square-grid


import SquareGrid from 'svelte-square-grid';

<SquareGrid itemCount={50}>
    style="border: 1px solid red;">
    {index}: {itemSize}

Component Props

Prop Type Default Description
itemCount number 0 number of items to insert inside the grid
colCount number 4 number of columns
gap number 0 gap size in pixel
breakpoints Array<Breakpoint> [] change grid display based on screen size, see below for an example
interface Breakpoint {
	colCount: number;
	gap: number;
	width: number;
/** MUST be sorted by width in ascending order */
export let breakpoints = [
		colCount: 2,
		gap: 0,
		width: 600 // 600px and below
		colCount: 3,
		gap: 0,
		width: 768 // between 601px and 768px
		colCount: 5,
		gap: 10,
		width: 992
		colCount: 6,
		gap: 10,
		width: 1200
		colCount: 8,
		gap: 10,
		width: Infinity // more than 1200px

Slot props

Prop Type Description
index number index of the item inside the grid
itemSize number size of a square inside of the grid (in pixel) : gridWidth / columnCount


A span action is available to set column and row spanning, takes direction and amount as parameters

import SquareGrid, { span } from "svelte-square-grid";

<SquareGrid itemCount={50}>
    use:span={{ direction: index % 3 === 0 ? "row" : "", amount: 2 }}
    use:span={{ direction: index % 5 === 0 ? "col" : "", amount: 2 }}
    style="border: 1px solid red;">
    {index}: {itemSize}


See the REPL


Distributed under the MIT License.