Python Codes for V380 cameras. The Python codes provide the following options:-
- Live Streaming from Camera (Local and Remote)
- PTZ Control of Camera (Local and Remote)
- Image Capture
git clone --depth=1 V380_Python.git
python3 -m venv --prompt V380 V380.venv
. V380.venv/bin/activate
pip install opencv-contrib-python
- Setup the V380 camera.
- Find the wireless network of the camera and connect your system to it.
- Find the IP address of the camera ( generally for wireless)
- Replace the ip-address in the python files (rtsp://:@/live/ch00_0, http://:8899/onvif/ptz) If no username or password, just enter the ip-address alone.
PYTHONPATH=./V380_Python.git python -m V380_complete_public
- Connect the camera with ethernet.
- Find the ip address assigned to camera
- Do port-forward settings in router to map the ip to specific ports. Generally rtsp uses 554 and onvif ptz uses 8899 ports
- Change the ip address in (For rtsp url change as rtsp://username:password@,public_ip>/live/ch00_0, for ptz http:///onvif/ptz, forwarded port should contain the port)
PYTHONPATH=./V380_Python.git python -m V380_complete_public
Press the followimg keys:-
i - up , - down j - left l - right k - stop
(other files than V380_complete_public
may need some fixes)
- - Live Stream of V380
- - Live Stream with Image Capture of V380 (Press SPACE to capture image)
- - ptz control of V380
- - Live Stream, Image Capture, PTZ control
- - Same as with Public ip.