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Eric Carlson edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 31 revisions

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How can I have different groups of tasks for different hosts with different configurations?

Simple setup

See here for information on using machine-specific configs.

More advanced setup

If you want to install programs independently from a general configuration file, the following setup might be for you. An advanced quickstart can be found at the ecarlson94/dotbot-template Wiki.


Write a configuration file for each program and put them together in a directory:

├── bash.yaml
├── git.yaml
├── i3.yaml
└── ...

Then add a basic configuration file (i.e. for cleaning up) at meta/base.yaml.


Then summarize these configurations in profiles:

├── server
├── workstation
└── ...

In a profile you specify the configurations you want to install (one per line, without .yaml).

New install scripts

Then replace the install script with the following ones. Note that these scripts depend on the dotbot submodule being located in meta/dotbot, which differs from the setup described in the Dotbot README. If you want to move the submodule from your repository root into the meta/ directory, you can run mkdir meta && git mv dotbot meta/dotbot.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e




BASE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

cd "${BASE_DIR}"
git -C "${BASE_DIR}" submodule sync --quiet --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive "${BASE_DIR}"

while IFS= read -r config; do
    CONFIGS+=" ${config}"
done < "${META_DIR}/${PROFILES_DIR}/$1"


for config in ${CONFIGS} ${@}; do
    echo -e "\nConfigure $config"
    # create temporary file
    echo -e "$(<"${BASE_DIR}/${META_DIR}/${BASE_CONFIG}${CONFIG_SUFFIX}")\n$(<"${BASE_DIR}/${META_DIR}/${CONFIG_DIR}/${config%"$suffix"}${CONFIG_SUFFIX}")" > "$configFile"

    cmd=("${BASE_DIR}/${META_DIR}/${DOTBOT_DIR}/${DOTBOT_BIN}" -d "${BASE_DIR}" -c "$configFile")

    if [[ $config == *"sudo"* ]]; then
        cmd=(sudo "${cmd[@]}")

    rm -f "$configFile"

cd "${BASE_DIR}"
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e




BASE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

cd "${BASE_DIR}"
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

for config in ${@}; do
    # create temporary file
    echo -e "$(<"${BASE_DIR}/${META_DIR}/${BASE_CONFIG}${CONFIG_SUFFIX}")\n$(<"${BASE_DIR}/${META_DIR}/${CONFIG_DIR}/${config%"$suffix"}${CONFIG_SUFFIX}")" > "$configFile"

    cmd=("${BASE_DIR}/${META_DIR}/${DOTBOT_DIR}/${DOTBOT_BIN}" -d "${BASE_DIR}" -c "$configFile")

    if [[ $config == *"sudo"* ]]; then
        cmd=(sudo "${cmd[@]}")

    rm -f "$configFile"

cd "${BASE_DIR}"

Now you should be able to install a profile with

./install-profile <profile> [<configs...>]

and single configurations with

./install-standalone <configs...>

You can also invoke a single configuration as a sudoer by adding -sudo to the end of a configuration

./install-standalone some-config-sudo some-other-config

In the last example, the some-config config will be run with elevated privileges, but some-other-config will not.

The above prevent passing command-line arguments like -v and -q to the Dotbot invocation. If you want to use command-line options in conjunction with the above, you can add parsing of command-line options as described in #87.

If you have any open questions or something is unclear, you can try to take a look at a dotfiles repository that uses this setup:

Automatically install or update dotfiles when ssh'ing into a remote machine (or: let my dotfiles follow me)

Original inspiration:

In your local ~/.ssh/config:

    PermitLocalCommand yes
    # Unfortunately ssh does not support line breaks in config files
    LocalCommand ssh -o PermitLocalCommand=no %n "which git >/dev/null && ([[ -d ~/dotfiles ]] && (echo "Updating dotfiles on %h ..." && cd ~/dotfiles && git pull -q && ./install >/dev/null) || (echo "Installing dotfiles on %h ..." && git clone -q && ./dotfiles/install >/dev/null))"

Relevant part broken down for readability:

LocalCommand ssh -o PermitLocalCommand=no %n "which git >/dev/null && ([[ -d ~/dotfiles ]] && \
  (echo "Updating dotfiles on %h ..." && cd ~/dotfiles && git pull -q && ./install >/dev/null) || \
  (echo "Installing dotfiles on %h ..." && git clone -q && ./dotfiles/install >/dev/null))"

The main attraction here is the clever use of LocalCommand:

LocalCommand Specifies a command to execute on the local machine after successfully connecting to the server.

We use LocalCommand to run a second SSH session to connect to the same remote machine and execute the defined command line in that SSH session. So what happens is this:

  1. Initiate SSH connection to remote machine (ssh [email protected])

  2. If the connection is successful (including authentication) then LocalCommand is executed

  3. The LocalCommand initiates a second SSH connection to the same remote machine and executes the command line specified. This commandline updates or installes the dotfiles.

    The second SSH connection sets -o PermitLocalCommand=no so that no local command is executed for that SSH connection. Without this setting each SSH connection would initiate another SSH connection, which would initiate another SSH connection, ad infinitum. Wo don't want that.

  4. When the command line of the second SSH connection is finished then the LocalCommand is finished

  5. The initial SSH session is finally established and the remote shell becomes available

The command line is in Bash syntax so adapt it if you use a different shell.

First we check if git is even available (if it is not then nothing more will happen). Then, if there is a dotfiles directory in the user's home we cd into it, run git pull and install, thus updating the local dotfiles repository and installing any new or changed files or symlinks.

If there isn't a dotfiles repository in the user's home we do a fresh installation by cloning the dotfiles repo from Github and running the install command.

Obviously this LocalCommand is executed every time you connect to the remote machine so it will take a few seconds before your remote shell becomes available.

This works best if you use public key authentication (or GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication) so SSH doesn't ask for a password when logging in. If you do use password authentication then you will need to enter your password once for each of the two SSH connections.

Automatically update your Dotbot config file when you add files in Git

You can use this tool (implemented as a Git pre-commit hook) to automatically update Dotbot's config file when adding files in Git:

Uninstall script

Currently, dotbot does not support uninstalling the symlinks. This script can be a good starting point for users who want this feature (source)

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import yaml
import os


stream = open(CONFIG, "r")
conf = yaml.load(stream, yaml.FullLoader)

for section in conf:
    if 'link' in section:
        for target in section['link']:
            realpath = os.path.expanduser(target)
            if os.path.islink(realpath):
                print("Removing ", realpath)

Here's an equivalent script for PowerShell (source, powershell-yaml required)

$CONFIG = "install.conf.yaml"

$confObj = ConvertFrom-Yaml ([string](Get-Content $CONFIG -Raw))
foreach ($target in ($confObj | Where-Object Keys -eq link).Values.Keys) {
    if ((Get-Item $target -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).LinkType -eq "SymbolicLink") {
        Write-Host "Removing $target" -ForegroundColor Red
        Remove-Item $target