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This repository provides a full-stack starter template for building modern web applications using Spring Boot (backend) and Angular (frontend). It's designed to help developers quickly set up a robust, scalable, and production-ready project with minimal configuration.


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Spring Boot & Angular Starter Kit 🚀

Welcome to the Spring Boot & Angular Starter Kit! This repository provides a full-stack template for building modern web applications using Spring Boot (backend) and Angular (frontend). It’s designed to help developers quickly set up a robust, scalable, and production-ready project with minimal configuration.

Whether you're a beginner learning full-stack development or an experienced developer starting a new project, this starter kit has you covered.

Table of Contents



  1. RESTful APIs with Spring Boot.

  2. JWT-based authentication with Spring Security.

  3. Database integration using Spring Data JPA (supports MySQL).

  4. Exception handling and validation.


  1. Modular Angular application with a clean structure.

  2. Responsive UI components.

  3. Authentication and role-based access control.


  1. Ready-to-use project structure.

  2. Sample code for CRUD operations.

  3. Step-by-step setup guide.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA, MySQL.

  • Frontend: Angular, TypeScript, Angular Material.

  • Tools: Maven, npm, Docker (optional).



  • Java 21

  • Node.js (v22.12.0 or higher)

  • npm (10.9.0 or higher)

  • Angular CLI (19.0.3 or higher)

  • MySQL

  • Apache Tomcat (for production deployment)

Backend (Spring Boot)

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd spring-boot-angular-starter-kit
  1. Set up the database:
  • Create a new database (e.g., starter_db) in MySQL.

  • Update the application-<dev|prod>.properties file with your database credentials.

  1. Build and run the backend:
./mvnw spring-boot:run

The backend will be accessible at http://localhost:8085.

Frontend (Angular)

  1. Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd src/main/webapp
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run the Angular app:
ng serve

The frontend will be accessible at http://localhost:4200.

Running the Application

Development Mode

  • Run the backend and frontend separately using the commands above.

  • The backend serves REST APIs, while the frontend connects to them.

Production Mode

  • Backend: Build a WAR file using mvn clean install and deploy it to a server like Tomcat.

  • Frontend: Generate a production build using npm run build and deploy the static files to a web server or use the backend as a reverse proxy.

Project Structure

Backend (src/main/java/com/example/starter/)

  • config/: Configuration classes (e.g., security, CORS).

  • controller/: REST controllers.

  • service/: Business logic.

  • entity/: Database models.

  • repository/: JPA repositories.

Frontend (src/main/webapp/src/)

  • app/: Angular modules, components, and services.

  • assets/: Static files (e.g., images, styles).

  • environments/: Environment configurations.

API Documentation

The backend API is documented using Swagger. Access the OpenAPI specification at:

  • Development: http://localhost:8085/swagger-ui/index.html


Contributions are welcome! Here’s how you can help:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').

  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature).

  6. Create a new Pull Request.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This repository provides a full-stack starter template for building modern web applications using Spring Boot (backend) and Angular (frontend). It's designed to help developers quickly set up a robust, scalable, and production-ready project with minimal configuration.








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