synthesizable System Verilog implementation of bottom-up merge sort.
The top level module "sorter" includes 2 handshake based streaming interfaces for input samples (module act as a slave) and sorted output samples (module acts as a master). Handshake rules mimic the AXI4 stream specs:
- a transfer occurs when both VALID (master driven) and READY (slave driven) are asserted
- master does not have to wait until READY is asserted before asserting VALID, but once VALID is raised it must remain up until READY is asserted by the slave
- FIRST and LAST are strobed by the master to signal the first and last sample in the packet. They are valid only if VALID is asserted at the same time.
The merge-sort implementation replicates the following code:
def mySort(arr):
pong = arr
n = 0
N = len(arr)
s = 2
while s/2 <= N:
ping = pong
pong = []
i = 0
j = 0
while j < N:
l = i
r = i + s//2
m = r - 1
h = i + s - 1
if h > N-1:
h = N-1
while j <= h:
if r > h:
l += 1
elif l > m:
r += 1
elif ping[r] < ping[l]:
r += 1
l += 1
j += 1
i += s
s *= 2
return pong
- The ping-pong buffers are implemented in block memories
- The first level of sorting (sorting groups of two) is performed while reading samples from the input interface: every two read samples, the pair is written to the ping-pong buffer in a sorted order
- Samples are provided to the output interface in the last level of sorting (no ping-pong writing occurs for the last level)
- Implementation supports a variable lenght of input samples (from 1 to MAX_NUM_SAMPLES defined in global.svh). The core can automatically detect the number of samples to sort from the FIRST and LAST signal on the input interface.
A self-checking tb is included in
- NUM_RUNS (defined in global.svh) packets are generated and transmitted to the core. Each packet has a random length from 1 to MAX_NUM_SAMPLES
- The tb will check if the output packets sent by the core are sorted (output is compared with output from System Verilog array.sort() method)
Compile and run with questa/modelsim:
vlog +acc=npr ./src/*.sv
vsim work.tb -c -do "run -all"