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Couchbase server

This is a docker image that installs the couchbase server.

It's basically a fork from the official couchbase/server image. The server is installed via dpkg and gets downloaded via the package that the guys over at couchbase have prepared for us. Currently I am using the 4.1 developer preview.

Major differences

The major differences to the official image are:

  • uses mychiara/base image which in turns is derived from phusion/baseimage
  • deinstalls "curl" from the base image, because it uses the version shipping with the couchbase server


The major feature I was working on for a while is that the container has a default user and a default bucket set, so one can just start without having to do lots of configuration.

The defaults username is desmond. (I just recently finished watching LOST for the second time and I like him a lot).

The default password is secret_password (Must be changed).

The default bucket is called sync_gateway .

Bugs and notices

When the container is building there are some messages popping up. Like the following:

  • "Disable huge transparent pages"
  • "ulimit operation not allowed" (I am not quite sure about that one at the time)
  • TERM something something, I suppose it has to do with the base image, that sets TERM to dumb

Anyways the container is working!


Copyright (c) mychiara | svs under the GPLv2 license.