Neat Starter Template is a simple boilerplate contaning a little extra to get you off the ground.
Neat Starter Template contains:
Forms and Tables from Pure, modified to work with base elements without having to declare any classes in css. (".pure-form" now targets "form" etc.)
Clone the git repo — git clone
If you find any bugs, or would like to contribute, feel free to do so.
If you have knowledge of testing, I would appreciate it if someone could whip up some testing units for this project.
HTML5 ready. Use the new elements with confidence.
Cross-browser compatible (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox 3.6+, IE6+).
Designed with progressive enhancement in mind.
Includes Normalize.css for CSS normalizations and common bug fixes.
The latest jQuery via CDN, with a local fallback.
The latest Modernizr build for feature detection.
IE-specific classes for easier cross-browser control.
Placeholder CSS Media Queries.
Useful CSS helpers.
Default print CSS, performance optimized.
Protection against any stray
causing JavaScript errors in IE6/7. -
An optimized Google Analytics snippet.
Apache server caching, compression, and other configuration defaults for Grade-A performance.
Cross-domain Ajax and Flash.
"Delete-key friendly." Easy to strip out parts you don't need.
Extensive inline and accompanying documentation.
Includes the Forms and Tables part of Pure CSS
Includes a Grunt build system.
A grunt build system has been added to this project. There are two build systems.
- Dev build (grunt dev)
- Cleans up any left over minified js files to pass JSHint.
- Compiles SASS for files in css/sass in to single expanded main.css
- Runs JSHint on all JS files, excluding files in the "vendor" directory
- Final build (grunt)
- Compiles SASS for files in css/sass in to single minfied MAIN.CSS file.
- Runs JSHint on all JS files, excluding files in the "vendor" directory.
- Concatinates all JS files.
- Uglifies concatinated js file.
- Compresses JPG and PNG images.
Use grunt watch:server to launch a livereload server. At the moment, this requires the live reload Chrome extension.
Use @import to include any other .sccs files in to the final build. Compass only target _main.scss and its imports.
Take a look at the documentation table of contents. This documentation is bundled with the project, which makes it readily available for offline reading and provides a useful starting point for any documentation you want to write about your project.
- Find a better way to allow live reloading without the need for the Chrome plugin
- Include some testing units
Html5 boilerplate with bourbon, neat and pure forms and tables