👯 Computer Science MsC and PhD. I worked on a new manycore (system-on-chip) to support hard real-time communication during my PhD; I also created my own system simulator during my MsC project, capable of simulating from tiny SoCs to complex, full-featured architectures. I've been working on my MsC and Phd for years, from which I learned a lot about hardware-software systems, as well as hardware description languages such as VHDL and SystemVerilog. Also, I've been using some tools such ModelSim (and Questa) and Vivado for system simulation... and tons of OOP with C++ and Python, mostly focusing on system simulation and embedded devices.
😄 Software Developer. I'm a jack-of-all-trades programmer! Passionate software developer, I have been working with languages such as Javascript, PHP, C#, C, C++, and Python. In the last years, I invested some time to learn cloud technologies, mostly focusing on AWS tools. I have participated in a plenty of projects along my 10+ years of carrer.
🌱 Game Design and Development and Robotics. I like simulators... a lot! I'm a learner, and I'm always looking for new challenges and projects involving these topics! Contact me if you have anything in mind.
🔭 I’m currently working at the LSA (Autonomous System Lab. at PUCRS) in a postdoctoral position. The lab focuses has a plenty of robots and stuff to play with.
🌱 I’m a professor, lecturing in many courses: game programming, computer architectures, computer networks, mathematics for computer science, and more...
💬 I'm a learner: currently studying some features of the new C++26 standard.
📫 Contact: ti.andersondomingues@gmail.com