[SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks] This repo includes PyTorch code for training the SuperGlue matching network on top of SIFT keypoints and descriptors.
Official Implementation for "HyperStyle: StyleGAN Inversion with HyperNetworks for Real Image Editing" (CVPR 2022)
[CVPR 2018] Real-Time Rotation-Invariant Face Detection with Progressive Calibration Networks
Content-Aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation
😺 Pretty & simple image classifier app template. Deploy your own trained model or pre-trained model (VGG, ResNet, Densenet) to a web app using Flask in 10 minutes.
End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers
MLOps using Azure ML Services and Azure DevOps
Python notebooks with ML and deep learning examples with Azure Machine Learning Python SDK | Microsoft
Ready-to-use MRZ / MRTD (Machine-readable zone/travel documents) dataset and models for tesseract v4
StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
A PyTorch implementation of Mask TextSpotter
CUTIE (TensorFlow implementation of Convolutional Universal Text Information Extractor)
📸 A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. Real-time filters, gestures, watermarks, frame proces…
The Android SDK for Parse Platform
A collection of sample apps to demonstrate how to use Google's ML Kit APIs on Android and iOS
Multiple samples showing the best practices in camera APIs on Android.
Provides a header-only iterator template that is easy to adapt for any custom container
conditional variational autoencoder written in Keras [not actively maintained]
weinkauf / Persistence1D
Forked from yeara/Persistence1DPersistence1D is a class for finding local extrema and their persistence in one-dimensional data.
Algorithm to find peaks in a std::vector<float>
The Graph-Cut RANSAC algorithm proposed in paper: Daniel Barath and Jiri Matas; Graph-Cut RANSAC, Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018. It is available at http://openaccess.t…