We are creating a budgeting app primarily for students, with a task-based feature to manage daily tasks in addition to finances. Expenses will be categorized by type, such as food, education, and transportation. Users can set a budget for each category, and monitor spending to ensure they stay within budget.
The app will also include a task section, where users can create to-do lists and link any related expenses to their budget.
- Finance and money management:
- Category-based budgets: Users can set a budget for each category, and transfer funds between categories if necessary.
- Category-based spending: Users can group expenses under specific categories, and track their spending within those categories.
- Category spend analysis: Users can view bar graphs, pie charts, and other data representations of their spending and income.
- Contribution tracker: Users can track their contributions to group purchases, and any money owed to or from friends and family.
- Task and time management:
- Task creation: Users can create and organize tasks, set due dates, and assign priorities.
- Task categories and labels: Users can categorize tasks or add labels for better organization.
- Task reminder and notifications: Users can receive reminders and notifications about upcoming or overdue tasks.
- Task progress tracking: Users can track the progress of their tasks and mark them as completed.
- Task comments and attachments: Users can add comments, attach files, or leave notes on specific tasks.
- Additional features:
- Reward system for staying under budget or completing tasks.
- Users can choose whether they want to be penalized for an incomplete task marked as urgent before its due date. If they fail to complete such a task, a certain amount will be deducted from their fixed budget and shown as "over budget" if they try to spend more than their allotted amount. For example, a user has decided to spend a total of Rs. 2000 on food expenses for the month. However, if they fail to complete an urgent task, they can choose to deduct a pre- determined amount from their budget. As a result, they will be able to spend less than Rs. 2000 on food expenses for that month.
- Dark and light mode.
- Used GSAP for Advanced Animated Features.
- User accounts: Users can create accounts and log in securely to access their task and money management data from multiple devices.