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Repository files navigation


Implementation of an IntentService that receives a File and information about an S3 bucket. The service handles the upload of said file to the bucket.


Build an instance of S3BucketData and make a call to S3UploadService.upload():

         new S3Credentials("accessKey", "secretKey");
                     new S3BucketData.Builder(this)
                             .setKey(file, "fileName")
                             .setS3Callback(new S3Callback() {
                                 public void onProgressChanged(int extra, long bytesCurrent, long bytesTotal) {
                                     Log.i(getLocalClassName(), "bytesCurrent = " + bytesCurrent + " bytesTotal = " + bytesTotal);
                                     float fpercent = ((bytesCurrent * 100) / bytesTotal);
                                     Log.i(getLocalClassName(), "fpercent = " + fpercent);
                                 public void onResult(boolean status, String uploadedUrl, S3BucketData s3BucketData) {
                                     Log.i(getLocalClassName(), "status = " + status + " uploadedUrl = " + uploadedUrl);

where key is:

        key = file to upload
        fileName = Name of that file

keep in mind that the final URL will have the following format:

        finalUrl = "https://" + bucket + ""+bucketFolder + fileName;


Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle:

	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url "" }

Add the Gradle dependency:

	dependencies {
		compile 'com.github.amitclickapps:s3uploder:latest'

Declare S3UploadService in your manifest:

<manifest xmlns:android=""

            android:enabled="true" />
