Version 1.2
Browser, NodeJS and AMD supported
A list of independent modules to add to any project, in order of complexity:
-, type); - Check if a object if from a specific type. Extensible.
- extend(Function parent, Object config); - Extends a constructor.
- Emmiter type - Adds listeners to ad emits specific signals.
- Promise type - Asyncronous operations helper.
Uses generic algorithms to detect if the is of the type.
- If type is null it checks if value is null or undefined
- If value is null returns false.
- If type has .isTypeOf() method it invokes it passing the value the result is returned.
- If the type is Object it returns true, every non-null object extends Object.
- If type is a function uses instanceof operator to know if value prototypes it.
- If object is native it checks if .constructor property is the type.
It extends constructor with it's methods. Also provides to every method who overwrites another one with a this.base() method to invoke overwrote method. This feature is based in Dean Edwards implementation
Created constructor has a .extend() method to create subtypes and .inject() to apply mixins to the current type:
- Type.extend(Object config)
- Type.inject(Object config)
interface Emitter {
void on(String signal, Function handler, [Object scope]);
void off(String signal, Function handler, [Object scope]);
void once(String signal, Function handler, [Object scope]);
void emit(String signal, Object var_args...);
interface Promise {
Future getFuture();
void done(Object var_args...);
void fail(Object var_args...);
static Promise done(Object var_args...);
static Promise failed(Object var_args...);
static Promise parallel(Future var_args...);
static Promise all(Array<Future> futures);
static Promise serial(Array<Function> callbacks, Object scope);
static Constructor Future;
static Constructor PromiseError;
interface Future {
bool isCompleted();
bool hasFailed();
bool hasSucceed();
void onDone(Function callback, Object scope);
void onError(Function callback, Object scope);
void onFinally(Function callback, Object scope);
void then(Function success, Function error, Function fin);
Future transform(Function adapter);
var cache = {};
function getData(id) {
if (cache[id])
return Promise.done(cache[id]);
var promise = new Promise();
ajax('/data/' + id, function(err, response) {
if (err) {;
} else {
cache[id] =;
return promise.getFuture();
getData(123).then(function(data) {
}, function(error) {
console.log("Failed: " + error)
// OR
.onDone(function() { /* access to this */ }, this);
.onFail(function() { /* access to this */ }, this);
.onFinally(function() { /* access to this */ }, this);