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The Discord bot to schedule announcements on your server!


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The Discord bot to schedule announcements on your server!

To use the bot you need to add a role called "Announcer" to your server, and only those with that role will be able to schedule announcements. You also need to make sure that the bot has permissions to send messages to the channels where you want to send announcements to.

Click here to add this bot to your server for free!

Click here to join the cronnouncer discord server, where you can demo the bot, ask for help, report bugs, suggest features, and give feedback.

Here is an example of what the announcement message looks like:

Example announcement

Note: Right now the announcement message does not support file/image attachments or link previews.


To use this bot, you must create a role called Announcer. Only those with this role will be able to run any of the following commands.

Command Description Usage Example
.timezone Sets the timezone for the discord server (you only have to do this once). Available timezones (case sensitive): US/Alaska, US/Aleutian, US/Arizona, US/Central, US/East-Indiana, US/Eastern, US/Hawaii, US/Indiana-Starke, US/Michigan, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, US/Samoa .timezone {timezone} .timezone US/Pacific
.create Creates a new announcement .create .create
.set-channel Sets the channel for the in-progress announcement .set-channel {announcementID} {discord channel name} .set-channel 33 #general
.set-message Sets the message for the in-progress announcement .set-message {announcementID} {announcement content} .set-message 33 One super awesome announcement
.set-time Sets the time for the in progress announcement .set-time {announcementID} {MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm am/pm} .set-time 33 4/20/2021 4:20 pm
.schedule Schedules the announcement to be sent .schedule {announcementID} .schedule 33
.unschedule Un-schedules an announcement that is scheduled to be sent .unschedule {announcementID} .unschedule 33
.list Lists all unscheduled, scheduled, and sent announcements .list .list
.view Shows details for the announcement .view {announcementID} .view 33
.delete Deletes and un-schedules an announcement .delete {announcementID} .delete 33
.ping Returns latency stats .ping .ping
.help Get list of available commands .help .help

To host this bot yourself, or run locally for development:


Installation and setup

  1. git clone
  2. cd cronnouncer
  3. npm i
  4. create a discord app
  5. create a bot and get secret token
  6. add .env to root folder and paste DISCORD_TOKEN=<put your token here>. Look at or for other required variables

Production / hosting

If you'd like to use the database built into this project:

  1. Copy environment variables from into a .env file
  2. Run docker-compose up -d to start bot and database using docker

To shut down: docker-compose down


  1. Copy environment variables from into a .env file
  2. docker-compose up -d db to spin up postgresql container
  3. npm run dev to start bot locally using ts-node


Run npm run pushcheck. If all looks good, go ahead and PR to main.


The Discord bot to schedule announcements on your server!







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