.md - markdown type files: holds various symbols for different commands and text font playing stuff (hashtags-headers, asterisks, underscores, etc.)
Cloning : can be done via SSH(using a key) or HTTPS(I used this will try the other one next time soon). https://youtu.be/USjZcfj8yxE?feature=shared
git status : shows all the file that were updated, created or deleted but haven't been updated in the stagging area yet.
git init : if you want to start tracking a completely new folder.
first : you do git add .(for tracking all the changes and new files created all together) else git add filename(individually updating/tracking every file and their changes)
second : you commit those changes via : git commit -m "the message" -m "The description of the message"
thirdly : you have so far done all this in your local machine, now you have to push it on the GitHub as well so: git push -u origin branch