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Facebook to Google Calendar Sync



Synchronize facebook page events with Google Calendar.


Before beginning you will need to create and configure a facebook app and use it to acquire a page access token for Graph API.

You will also need to set up a Google service account to acquire a credentials file to authenticate with Google APIs.


Collect your facebook Page access token and Google service account credentials file.

module "facebook_gcal_sync" {
  source                  = "amancevice/facebook-gcal-sync/heroku"
  version                 = "~> 1.0"
  app_name                = "<unique-app-name"
  facebook_page_id        = "<facebook-page-id>"
  google_calendar_id      = "<google-calendar-id>"
  google_credentials_file = "<path-to-google-service-credentials>"
  facebook_page_token     = "<facebook-page-access-token>"

Once the app is created, configure the scheduler to run on a cron through the heroku dashboard.