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Metal Functions

A.K.A. MF, a CLI for FaaS like deployment in PHP metal servers for non experts.

Use and intentions

This project aims to deploy multiple different functions in a server with Nginx and PHP. It will create the Nginx virtual hosts just for you. You will only have to know how to use this CLI. A MF could be a directory or a php single file.

This project is also compatible with Deployer config files, we share some of the libraries so most of the Host configuration is the same.

MF System requirements

  • Any kind of Debian based system should do
  • PHP >=8.0 with Nginx
  • 512MB RAM

CLI System requirements

  • PHP >=8.0

Build from source

Download and decompress this repo on any directory.

$ composer install
$ ./mf app:build
$ sudo mv builds/mf /usr/local/bin/mf


  • In the remote host you need Nginx and PHP 7.4 installed on any host.
  • In your system for the CLI, you require SSH access to a server with Nginx and PHP >=7.3.

First you will need to install MF.

$ wget (Not yet)
$ sudo mv mf /usr/local/bin/mf

Download the latest release from releases page.

ON SERVER (FullStack if needed)

$ git clone
$ cd MetalFunctions
$ ./

Using Metal Functions

Well, supossing that you already have a PHP >=7.3 with Nginx server then you can get MF.

First you will need to install MF.

$ wget
$ sudo mv mf.phar /usr/local/bin/mf

Create a directory. $ mkdir hello-world and create a file called $ touch metal.php. This file is going to be your settings file. You can add here the URL of the function and your start script. View the example as follows.

namespace Deployer;

set('function_url', '/hello-world');
set('function_start_script', 'helloworld.php');

    ->set('remote_user', 'ubuntu')
    ->set('become', 'root')
    ->set('identity_file', '~/.ssh/mykey');

Once you're done you can start using MF commands in the shell.

$ echo "<?php echo 'Hello world';" > helloworld.php
$ mf deploy
 ... Function name 89x7tya : http://ip/89x7tya


Using my own Basic library standard


  • Host check for PHP and Nginx
  • Host check to enable metal functions in disabling default NGINX file
  • Deploy function
  • Delete function
  • Docker container
  • List functions
  • Rollback a function


A rapid FaaS deployment system for non experts







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