A CLI tool for generating Next.js (app dir) components, pages, schemas and actions (CRUD operations) with Zod schema validation.
This project is inspired by the Rails scaffolding feature in Ruby on Rails.
npm install -D nextjs-generate
npx next-generate <modelName> "<field1:type1() field2:type2() ...>"
Generate a simple Post model:
npx next-generate post "id: z.string().uuid() title: z.string() content:z.string() published:z.boolean()"
Generate a User model with Zod validations:
npx next-generate user "id: z.string().uuid() image: z.string().url() name: z.string().min(2).max(50) email: z.string().email() age: z.number().min(18)"
Generate a Product model with custom Zod validations:
npx next-generate product "id: z.number() name: z.string().min(3) price: z.number().positive() category: z.string().optional()"
- Generates Next.js pages for List, View, Create and Update model pages.
- Implements server actions for handling CRUD operations.
- Creates Zod schemas for robust type checking and validation.
- Generates TypeScript types based on Zod schemas.
- Creates a reusable form component for the model.
- Basic CRUD generation
- Zod schema integration
- TypeScript support
- Server actions
- Support zod enums
- Apply validations on the form fields
- Support optional parameters, in case someone doesn't want to generate schemas, pages, components and actions, but only parts of it.
- Integration with popular form libraries (e.g., React Hook Form, Formik etc.) (?)
- Integration with popular ORMs (e.g., Prisma, Drizzle, TypeORM etc.)
- Support for relationships between models
- Generate API routes
- Add unit tests for generated code (?)
- Support for authentication and authorization in generated code (?)
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.